Saturday, July 25, 2015

Notes for WWI research: Louis Sheehan 1

Notes for WWI research: Louis Sheehan 1

Early next morning news was received that the German infantry was marching from Westende, and the flotilla moved up the coast to draw the fire from, and if possible to silence, the batteries that accompanied them. Almost immediately fire broke out from the shore, and this proved to be the beginning of a coastal campaign that continued without intermission for the next three weeks. For the defence of Nieuport some machine-guns from the monitor Severn were put ashore, and it was while in charge {210}of these that Lieutenant E. S. Wise, gallantly leading his men, was killed.
For the first few days, the enemy troops were trying to push along the coast roads in considerable force; a large amount of transport came under the naval guns; and much damage and destruction was caused by them. In view of this, the enemy soon changed his tactics, the infantry being withdrawn; while heavier guns were brought into action, compelling a response from the sea-forces. The lighter craft were therefore sent home to be replaced by H.M.S. Venerable and some old cruisers, while, at the same time, five French destroyers were placed by Admiral Favereau under Admiral Hood's command—the latter having the honour, as he put it (and it is tempting to wonder what would have been the comments upon this of the Hood who fought under Pitt) of flying his own flag in the French destroyer Intrepide.
During the later stages, persistent submarine-attacks were made upon the larger bombarding vessels, but these were thwarted, though not without casualties, by the alertness and dash of the destroyers. It was while thus guarding the Venerable that the destroyer Falcon came under a very heavy fire from the enemy's larger guns, and exhibited, in the persons of her officers and crew, the utmost coolness and devotion. Thus, under a hail of projectiles that eventually killed him, Lieutenant Wauton remained unmoved at his outlook for submarines. With the captain and twenty-four men killed and wounded, Sub-Lieutenant Du Boulay took command of the {211}ship. Finding himself the only unwounded man on deck, Able-Seaman Ernest Dimmock immediately went to the helm while Petty-Officer Robert Chappell, himself dying, and with both legs shattered, worked to the last, as best he could, tending his fellow wounded on board. Meanwhile on land, owing to the arrival of reinforcements and the skilful inundation of the flat country, the enemy's rush was finally checked, and the position more or less established early in November.
Such was the high standard set at the outset by the Dover Patrol; and, under Vice-Admiral Sir Reginald H. Bacon, who succeeded Rear-Admiral Hood in the following April, it was not only worthily sustained, but finally established beyond challenge—the development of Dunkirk as an additional offensive base, being one of the great achievements of the war. Thus, in spite of its ever more arduous and multitudinous duties—and it is interesting to remember that this was the command in which Nelson was the least successful and most ill at ease—it had been engaged, by the end of 1915, in no less than fourteen concerted actions. Knocke, Heyst, Zeebrugge, Ostend, Middlekerke, and Westende had been severally attacked; three military factories, two ammunition depots, storehouses, and signalling stations had been destroyed; considerable damage had been done to the wharves and the famous Mole at Zeebrugge; thirteen large guns had been put out of action; and a dredger, a torpedo-boat, and two submarines sunk.
During this time the only British losses were three vessels sunk; and their very names indicate the {212}extent and variety of the marine resources that were to prove our salvation. The armed yacht Sanda, the pleasure steamer Brighton Queen, once so often thronged with cross-channel trippers, and the drifter Great Heart—these were the first casualties of the Dover Patrol. That they were so few was due in large measure to the vigilance and seamanship of three men, of Commodore C. D. Johnston in command of the Dover destroyers; of Captain P. G. Bird in charge of the drifters; and of Commander W. Rigg, who was chiefly responsible for the early organization of the mine-sweepers; while to Wing-Commander Longmore of the Dunkirk aerodrome must be assigned much of the credit for checking the enemy's aircraft. Had they not been supported, however, by the cheerful fidelity and amazing competence of their subordinates, they could have achieved but little as was generously recognized by Vice-Admiral Bacon in his first official despatch.
"Their Lordships will appreciate," he wrote, "the difficulties attendant on the cruising in company by day and night under war conditions of a fleet of eighty vessels comprising several widely different classes, manned partly by trained naval ratings, but more largely by officers of the naval reserve, whose fleet training has necessarily been scant, and by men whose work in life has hitherto been that of deep sea fishermen. The protection of such a moving fleet by the destroyers in waters which are the natural home of the enemy's submarines, has been admirable, and justifies the training and organization of the personnel of the flotilla. But more remarkable still, {213}in my opinion, is the aptitude shown by the officers and crews of the drifters and trawlers, which, in difficult waters, under conditions totally strange to them, have maintained their allotted stations without a single accident. Moreover, these men under fire have exhibited a coolness well worthy of the personnel of a service inured by discipline. The results show how deeply sea adaptability is ingrained in the seafaring race of these islands."
Those are words that, if they were true of the first sea-recruits of 1914, are equally, and, in some respects, more astonishingly applicable to the thousands that subsequently joined them from all ranks. Of these earlier candidates for sea service, none was more typical than Lieutenant-Commander H. T. Gartside Tipping, the oldest naval officer then afloat and one of the first to perish in the Narrow Seas. Having retired from the navy, with the rank of lieutenant, thirty-five years before the outbreak of war, Lieutenant-Commander Tipping had inherited a small estate, including a yacht, in the Isle of Wight. Here he had lived a quiet country life, ardently devoted to yacht racing; had kept himself alert and physically fit; and, at the age of sixty-six, having rejoined his old service and been given the rank of lieutenant-commander, had gladly and efficiently served under officers who might almost have been his grandsons.
To such a man as Lieutenant-Commander Tipping, however, the call of the sea may quite understandably have been imperative. Far less foretellable, and only to be explained, surely, by the racial instinct {214}referred to by Admiral Bacon, was the later phenomenon of expert sailors quartering the seas in fast patrol-boats, who, but a year or two before, had been farmers or commercial travellers, or clerks behind counters in London shops. Christened in naval fashion by their professional brothers with various opprobious nicknames, these were in reality but the affectionate symbols of the older navy's pride in its temporary junior partners; and the best measure of their work—necessarily undramatic, as all preventive work must largely be—is a survey of what the enemy was unable to accomplish in any representative period of the war. Let us take, for example, the six months before the Battle of Jutland, in its middle period. In that half year, through the Dover Patrol alone, there passed 21,000 merchant ships, and of these only 21 were lost or seriously damaged as the result of enemy action—little less than one in every thousand, entrusted to the case of this particular command. More remarkable still, perhaps, since these were inevitably, of course, the enemy's constant and most tempting target, not a single transport or one soldier's life was lost at sea during the same time.
Such had been the record, then, of the Dover Patrol up to the events described in the last chapter—events that, as we have shown, drove Germany's naval activity, for its main efforts, under the water, and confined it afloat to those tip-and-run raids of which that of the following February may be taken as typical. It was on Sunday night, February 25th, soon after eleven o'clock, that a number of star-shells suddenly broke in the sky over the Isle of Thanet, illuminating {215}the coast for a long distance and bringing many of its inhabitants to their windows. Almost simultaneously a brisk bombardment revealed the presence of a flotilla of German destroyers—Margate, Broadstairs, and a little hamlet between them, being subjected to the enemy's fire. Fortunately the casualties were few, and there was no military damage—none of the places attacked being fortified towns—but a woman and a child were killed and two children seriously wounded, and a dozen houses wrecked or injured. A single British destroyer pluckily engaged the enemy, who was soon lost to sight in the darkness, neither the British vessel nor any of the raiders suffering, as far as was known, any serious hurt.
For this enemy success, if such it can be called, and for one or two previous ones of a like nature, there was considerable criticism of the Dover Patrol, chiefly of an ignorant and hasty character. With the Germans at Zeebrugge and Ostend, and in favourable conditions of weather and darkness, it was obviously out of the question to give immutable guarantees against occasional excursions such as these; and that these brief and lawless bombardments reflected no lack of spirit on the part of the Patrol, the Dover destroyers Swift and Broke were soon triumphantly to demonstrate.
This was in the small hours of the dark morning of April 21, 1917, some of the German destroyers having crept into the Straits and shelled both Dover and Calais. In the case of the former town there were no casualties, but over a hundred shells were thrown into Calais, several people being killed, others {216}injured, and a good many houses being destroyed. Out on patrol and near mid-channel steaming westward, were the Swift and Broke, the Swift leading under Commander Ambrose Peck, and the Broke in charge of Commander E. R. Evans. Of the two vessels, soon to become immortal, the Swift was seven years the older, having been launched at Birkenhead in 1907 from the yards of Messrs. Cammel Laird. She had a displacement of 1,800 tons and carried four 4-inch guns. The Broke, on the other hand, had only just been completed before the outbreak of war, and, although approximately of the same dimensions, carried six 4-inch guns and three torpedo-tubes. By a remarkable coincidence, in view of what was to come, she bore the name of that Sir Philip Broke who commanded the Shannon during her historic duel in the spring of 1813, with the Chesapeake, when the latter was captured, after a most heroic resistance, during a hand-to-hand struggle on her deck. Commander Evans was, of course, the famous Polar explorer, who had been second-in-command to the ill-fated Captain Scott.
The sea was quite calm, but, in the black night, it was impossible to see more than half a mile ahead; and the enemy vessels were but six hundred yards distant when they were spotted by the destroyers' lookouts. Six in number, and including amongst them some of the fastest destroyers in the world, they were then on the port bow and travelling at high speed in an opposite direction to that of the Swift and Broke; and, almost simultaneously, they became aware of the presence of the two Britishers. Instantly they {217}sounded their fire-gongs, and, six to two, opened rapid fire. A minute before and the Swift and Broke had been respectable members of a gallant flotilla. Ten minutes later—such is the luck of the sea—and they had written their names forever in British naval history.
Wheeling round almost at right angles to her previous course, and in the face of the point-blank fire and dazzling flashes of the enemy's guns; with a target before her little more than 300 feet long and racing through the darkness at nearly thirty miles an hour; with the practical certainty, if she missed this, of being herself rammed by the next in the line; regardless of the odds, the Swift hurled herself at the first visible German destroyer. So instant had been the decision of the Swift's commander, that it might almost have been called automatic—the natural response not only of a lifetime's schooling, but of all the centuries behind this of British admiralty. Hit or miss, it was a sporting chance, the chance of a lifetime, and he took it. Alas, it was a miss, but such a narrow one that he himself cut through without disaster, swung round to port, torpedoed another of the six, and then picked up and chased a third.
Meanwhile the Broke, following the Swift, had put her helm over almost at the same moment; had successfully torpedoed one of the enemy line, literally plastering her with 4-inch shells; and was now making to ram another—possibly the one that the Swift had missed. This she did, splitting her at full speed, burying her bows in her and crushing her down; and there then ensued such a fight as had scarcely been {218}witnessed since the days of steam. With a gun out of action and part of her bridge already carried away before she had rammed; with her helmsman bleeding from several wounds but sticking to his wheel as long as he was conscious; with the remaining enemy destroyers pouring their shells into her, and German sailors swarming into her forecastle—the Broke raked her prey with everything that could be fired from a 4-inch gun to an automatic pistol.
By now, however, several Germans had gained their footing on deck, where Midshipman Gyles had been working the forward guns; and, for a few seconds, half blind with blood, and almost alone, he met the rush. Then a huge German seized his pistol-wrist and tried to wrench the weapon away from him, only to be struck at and thwarted by Petty-Officer Woodfield and finally cutlassed by Able Seaman Ingelson. With cutlasses and pistols the decks were then cleared, and a couple of hiding Germans made prisoners, and half a minute later the Broke freed herself from the German destroyer. With the Swift still chasing the enemy that she had marked down, and with two others put out of action, the Broke now turned her attention to the remainder and attempted to ram yet one more. In this she failed—she had been struck in the boiler-room and was becoming difficult to manoeuvre—but loosed a torpedo at the destroyer nearest to her, and was successful in hitting her.
The enemy was now in full flight, but the disabled Broke succeeded in drawing level with one of the burning destroyers. Rapidly losing way, she nevertheless {219}approached her at considerable risk to herself, the enemy, who had previously been shouting for help, suddenly and unexpectedly opening fire—an act of treachery that, as it proved, merely hastened his end. Four rounds silenced him, and a torpedo aimed amidships struck him fairly and settled his fate.
Meanwhile the Swift, herself partially disabled, had lost touch with the vanishing enemy, and, coming about, had sighted the destroyer rammed by the Broke and now on the verge of sinking. Here, too, the sailors on board were chorussing their desire to surrender; but, with natural suspicion, the Swift remained on guard, her guns trained on the sinking vessel. Presently this heeled over; the crew took to the water; and, as there seemed to be no other enemy vessel in sight, the Swift cautiously switched on her searchlights, lowered her boats, and began the work of rescue. At the same time the Broke began to signal to her—the whole fight had lasted barely five minutes—and the two crews were soon cheering each other, as well they might.
Both the destroyers sunk were four-funnelled vessels of the fastest and latest German type; two others had been crippled; and over a hundred men and officers taken prisoners. When the Broke rammed, as her helmsman had said, "I smiled for the first time during the action"—and that smile may be taken as representative not only of both ships' companies but of the town of Dover on that April morning, when the two destroyers, saluted by everything in the harbour, modestly crept to their buoys.
Brilliant as this little action was, however, and typical both of the ineptitude with which the German destroyer-service was handled, and the prestige that the Dover Patrol had built up for itself during the war, it was but an incident of the ceaseless campaign, waged with almost every weapon in the Narrow Seas. Thus, while the coastal bombardments that had been so prominent a feature of the earlier months of the war were, for military reasons, deemed inadvisable during 1916 and 1917, an active blockade of the occupied Flanders area was maintained and vigorously pressed home.
Not only was the minefield that had been laid down when the North Sea was first closed continually added to, but other barrages were always being thought out and improved as necessity demanded. Thus, in 1916, twenty miles of nets had been laid parallel to the Belgian coast, and, in the winter of the same year, another had been constructed from the Goodwins to Dunkirk. This was somewhat difficult to keep in order, but the Belgian nets were renewed in 1917, and, in November and December of the same year, 4,000 mines were laid between Folkestone and Boulogne. These were of the latest type, and, with further additions, together with a system of flares and day and night patrols, developed into a barrier against which, in the end, the German submarines beat in vain—at least seventeen of these being certainly known to have fallen victims to its efficiency.
Second only in naval importance to the Grand Fleet, and in even more strenuous contact with the enemy, none had more cause, perhaps, to bless the {221}Dover Patrol, of whose unadvertised work this is but the barest outline, than those 2,000,000 soldiers, for whom, each year, it acted as crossing-sweeper, on their way home to England.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

1.3. Save this (saved only for) for notes for Project on WWI. Louis Sheehan.

The German Religion of Duty

By Gabriele Reuter.[2]

On various occasions in the past I have been reproached by my friends for not showing the proper spirit of patriotism.
I have merely smiled at their criticism, for it was my opinion that true patriotism does not consist of flowery speeches and assertions, but in the effort dutifully to accomplish that for which one is best qualified.
It seemed to me that I was truly showing my love for the Fatherland by writing my books to the best of my ability.
But the source of this reproach was very evident to me. The cause could be traced to a quality which I share with many of my compatriots. It must, in truth, be called a particularly characteristic trait. This is a very earnest desire for and love of justice, which is not satisfied simply to "recognize," but endeavors thoroughly to understand the material and spiritual points of view of the other nations in order to show them the proper appreciation.
It is natural to develop affection for that which one earnestly desires to understand.
Many Germans have had the experience that they have rather overzealously commenced by weighing the good of a foreign people in the balance with the good of their own, and with well-nigh fanatic honesty they have ended by acknowledging their own shortcomings compared to the merits and advantages of the foreign nation. There have been instances when some foreigner has drawn our attention to this or that particular weakness and immediately innumerable of my countrymen assented, saying, "Certainly it is true, the criticism is just, matters are probably even worse than they have been represented."
Many of us, and I acknowledge I am one of the many, have developed a form of ascetic mania for self-abasement, a desire for truth which knows no limits in the dissection of its own condition and the disclosure of social and personal shortcomings and disadvantages. This tendency may be easily discerned in much of the German literature of the past twenty years; also, in my books.
The individual is really always the symbol of the whole, and the thoughts and feelings of one person are but the expression of strong forces in national life and culture. It was not want of patriotism, but an unbounded love for the universality of European culture which drove us, drove many thousand people with German souls, to reach out over the boundaries of our own Fatherland for intellectual conquests, for permeation and coalescence with all the world's riches, goodness, and beauty.
We loved the others; and believing ourselves among friends we were candid and disclosed our weaknesses.

Germans Trusted Too Well.
We permitted criticism and criticised ourselves, because we were convinced that those others had our welfare at heart, and also because we were convinced that only by unsparing self-knowledge can the heights be scaled which lead to superior and more refined development. It is therefore probable that we ourselves have delivered the weapons into our enemies' hands.
Confiding and harmless as children, we were blind to the enigmatical hatred which has to an appalling extent developed all around us. This hate which has been nourished systematically and with satanic cleverness probably originated in a slight feeling of jealousy, and the tendency of my countrymen to criticise each other led our enemies to believe that they might look for internal disc{171}ord in the Fatherland and that our humiliation could therefore be more easily accomplished.
If we had recognized the danger in time, we might have prevented this hatred, to which they at the beginning were hardly prone, from taking root in the souls of nations. But only very few among us were aware of it and they received little credence from the others. There were times when each one of us sensed the antipathy which we encountered beyond the boundary lines of our own country. But we never realized how deeply it had taken root and how widely it had spread. We loved our enemies! We loved this French nation for its high development of etiquette, language, and taste; a culture which seemed well adapted to serve as a complement to our own. How much misery France might have been spared had she but understood this unfortunate love of the German people for the "Hereditary Enemy!"
We loved the deep, mystically religious soul of the Russians in their anguished struggles for freedom! How many Germans have looked upon Tolstoy as a new savior!
Above all, though, the German admired the Englishman, in the rĂ´le of the "royal merchant," the far-seeing colonizer, the master of the seas. Without envy Germany gave England credit for all these qualities. And when during the Boer war voices were raised to warn against the English character, even then to most of us our Anglo-Saxon cousin remained the "Gentleman beyond reproach."
Then there is the great German love for Holland, Switzerland, and the Scandinavian countries; here we may find the Germanic race less adulterated than in our own country. Scandinavian poets have become our poets and we are as proud of the works of the Swedish artist as we are of those of our people.
We gaze with delight upon the proud, blonde grace of the Norse maid; the more gentle and pliant manners of the Swedes and Danes arouse our admiration; and we dearly love their beautiful fjords and forests of beech and birch.

Love Changed to Suspicion.
Many of us wonder today how much of all this love we, in the days to come, will be able to rescue from the debris. "Has the world gone mad that it has ceased to believe in our sincerity?" This at present is the cry of many, many thousand German men and women. Do we deserve to have our love requited with hate? And to find in the countries which declare themselves neutral, distrust, reserve, and, in fact, doubt of our honest intentions? Sad, dull despair has taken possession of the hearts of our best men and women. It is not because they tremble for the fate of the loved ones who have been compelled to go to the front and not because there is any fear as to the outcome of this war. Not one among us doubts the ultimate triumph of Germany. We also know that we must pay a terrible toll for this victory with the blood of our sons, fathers and husbands.
Equally as much as they mourn the loss of our young manhood many of our best citizens deplore the hatred which has spread over the face of the globe, hate which has torn asunder what was believed to have been a firmly woven net of a common European culture. That which we with ardent souls have labored to create is being devastated by ruthless force.
The following story of the non-commissioned German officer is typical or symbolical of many. He, while the bullets of the inhabitants of Louvain fell around him, rescued the priceless old paintings from the burning Church of St. Peter, simply because he was an art-historian and knew and loved each of the masterpieces. And well we all understand the feelings which mastered him during those moments of horror.
He would probably think and say, "I have but done my duty."
And now we have arrived at the point which gives rise to the greatest amount of antipathy. Our opponents declare we are endowed with great ability—they say {172}they must acknowledge that. But how can a race of stiff, dry, duty-performing beings awaken love? The German must lose all claim to individual freedom and independence of thought in consequence of the training which he receives. When he is a child he commences it in a military subordination in the school, he continues it in the barracks, and later, when he enters a vocational life, under the stern leadership of his superiors. He becomes, our critics continue, simply a disagreeable pedantic tool of the all-powerful "drill." This atmosphere of "drill," or in other words this stern hard military spirit, envelops him, accompanies him as guardian from the cradle to the grave, and makes of him an unbearable companion for all the more refined, gentle, and amiable nations. Yes, our opponents often declare that they are waging war not only against Germany, but against this pedantic, military, tyrannical sense of duty, which they call the "Prussian spirit." It shall once and for all, they assert, be eradicated from the world.

A Religious Feeling of Duty.
Far be it from me to deny that my country people, male and female, do indeed possess an unusually strong sense of duty. This is combined with a desire for justice which is so often looked upon by outsiders as a lack of patriotic pride, and with an honesty which easily makes the German appear so clumsy and awkward. These three characteristics belong indissolubly together and one is not to be thought of without the other. The spirit from which the German sense of duty arises is what the foreigner so often misunderstands in us. He generally confuses sense of duty with blind obedience. But this sense of duty does not originate from a need for submission or from a mental dependence. No, it rests on a deep philosophical reason and arises from the mental recognition of ethical and national necessity. That is why it can exist side by side with the most extreme individualism, which also belongs to the peculiarities of the character of our people. The Germans have always been a nation of thinkers. Not only the scholar, also the simple worker, the laborer, the modest mother take a deep pleasure in forming their philosophy of life and the world. Side by side with the loud triumph of our industry goes this quieter existence, which has been rather pushed into the background in the last decades, but has not, therefore, ceased to exist. And the further the belief in miracles stepped into the background, the more the belief in duty acquired a warm religious tinge. The loud complaints about the vanishing of the sense of duty among the young, which has so often been voiced by public opinion, only prove how strongly this ethical force was governing people's minds. Every seeming diminution of it was felt to be a disastrous endangerment of the knowledge of the people. We have perhaps acted childishly and foolishly toward other nations by too great confidence. But in the consciousness of the entire German Nation the ominous feeling was living and working with mighty power, that only if every one of us devotes his entire strength to the post assigned to him, and works until the exhaustion of his last mental and physical power, only then can we as a national whole retain our high level and, surrounded by dangers on all sides, create sufficient room for ourselves to breathe and live.

The Military and the Socialists.
Two mighty organizations exist among us which were opposed to each other until recently—the military and the Social Democratic. The world sees with amazement the perfection which has been reached by the military organization of our army. Its achievements have only become possible through the above-mentioned philosophical conception of the sense of duty which raises it far above any systematic obedience and lets it appear in the light of religious ideal. Duty becomes in these serious and energetic minds a voluntary adaptation to a carefully organized whole with the knowledge that to serve this whole at the same time produces the highest achievement of the individual personality. The Social Democratic or{173}ganization, opposed though it is to the military organization, is also composed of Germans and is, therefore, directed by the same basic principles as the military organization, although for entirely different purposes. For this one reason it was almost a matter of course that the Social Democrats offered their services for the war at the moment when they recognized that it had become of imperious necessity to set aside personal wishes and ideals and to put in the foreground only the duty of the defense of their country. The idea of our opponents, that they would find a support in the Socialists of our country, rested on a complete misunderstanding of the German character.
A foreign woman wrote to me in the days of the mobilization: "I do not understand the German enthusiasm for war—how it is possible that one can become enthusiastic about murder!" The woman only saw the exterior and superficial phase of things.
In its endeavor to unite itself with the world the German soul had suddenly come upon the wildest hatred * * * numerous high ideals of culture fell to ruin within a few hours. Deeply wounded, it was hurled back into its most personal possessions. Here it found itself face to face with tasks which far surpassed anything demanded heretofore of it as fulfillment of duty. And now there came to pass a wonder which will be unforgettable for every one who lived through this period. Everything dry, petty, pedantic, connected with German ways, which had often made many of us impatient with ourselves, was suddenly swept away by the storm of these days.
A gigantic wave of fiery hot feeling passed through our country flaming up like a beautiful sacrificial pyre. It was no longer a duty to offer one's self and one's life—it was supreme bliss. That might easily sound like a hollow phrase. But there is a proof, which is more genuine than words, than songs, and cheers. That is the expression in the faces of the people, their uncontrolled spontaneous movements. I saw the eyes light up of an old woman who had sent four sons into battle and exclaimed: "It is glorious to be allowed to give the Fatherland so much!" I saw the controlled calm in the features of sorrowing mothers who knew that their only sons had fallen. But the expression in the faces of many wounded who were already returning home gripped me the most. They had lived through the horror of the battle, their feet had waded through blood, their young bodies were horribly maimed. I saw this strangely serene, quietly friendly expression in the young faces. They were men who had sacrificed their ego. They were great patient conquerors of selfishness. And with what tenderness, what goodness are they surrounded, to lighten their lot, to give them joy. How the general sentiment is often expressed in the gesture of a single person—you did that for us—how can we sufficiently requite you?
A stream of love is flowing through our Fatherland and is uniting all hearts. The unobtrusive mother "duty" gave birth to the genial child "feeling." She bestowed on it her strong vitality so that it can defy a world of hatred—and conquer it.
[2] Gabriele Reuter is one of the foremost German woman authors.

1.3.  Save this (saved only for) for notes for Project on WWI.  Louis Sheehan.

Saturday, July 18, 2015


[00:06] <littlechris> Yeah anti-Arab jokes aren't going to get you anywhere, Falkie, especially consider Noory is Arab.
[00:06] <Khamo> there is a line to make love to kathy?
[00:06] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:06] <Khamo> that explains your extra income
[00:06] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:06] <Khamo> lol
[00:06] <falkie2013> Stop it bitch!@ @ Louis Sheehan
[00:06] <stargazr> ill take a joke lol
[00:06] <pate> F awarded .5 points for jockey
[00:06] <NXOEED> alright, well I guess I'll come back a bit later. good luck with all the being mad at each other.
[00:06] <Georgie2216_> Who here thinks Falkie is really Drone?
[00:06] <FirstBorn> Is there anything more spooky than. D E A D.   S P A C E ?
[00:06] <joe_> falkie dont unstand the law
[00:06] <Khamo> how much does she charge Falkie?
[00:06] <sassy_chick> yes, that is the real falkie
[00:06] <Khamo> prostitution is highly illegal in PA
[00:06] <Khamo> just sayin
[00:06] <starrmtn001> Khamo fishbot slaps in your behalf
[00:06] <littlechris> lol is that you Drone???
[00:06] <littlechris> i bet it is
[00:06] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:07] <Kathy> $50 for you, $500 for him
[00:07] <pate> LEADERboard: .. -- .-.  . /.  .0-
[00:07] <SciFiAuthor> Falkie, settle the debate and call in
[00:07] <Khamo> Tell Kathy I wanna throw one in her but not tryin to pay those premium prices for a subpar property
[00:07] <FirstBorn> Oh no morse
[00:07] <starrmtn001> falkie2013 That's for calling me bitch . . . ya bitch!
[00:07] <Khamo> Especially after being slapped with a fish so many times
[00:07] <falkie2013> funny a fishbot, fm starrmt001 who *claims* to be a woman.  I can smell you
[00:07] <joe_> drone sent casio money
[00:07] <Khamo> or is that her natural smell?
[00:07] <pate> K awarded 10x multiplier and free meal at Casion steakhouse
[00:07] <stargazr> highly illegal but being on the border of pa it is common practice. escorted oversized loads for three years. lot lizarads abound
[00:07] <booory>    *  slaps Falkie2103 around a bit with a slimy davebot
[00:07] <starrmtn001> LOL
[00:07] <Khamo> Kathy, is that smell you or is that from all the fish slapping?
[00:08] <Khamo> BA DUM TISS
[00:08] <sassy_chick> falkie honey, you should call in!!!
[00:08] <Khamo> Yeah falkface
[00:08] <Khamo> call in
[00:08] <pate> Apologies
[00:08] <falkie2013> starmtn001?  Feeling a little less than fresh?  Maybe a massengail moment for you?
[00:08] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:08] <FirstBorn> Just do it talkie
[00:08] <littlechris> Falkie will call in and it will be drone's voice.
[00:08] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:08] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:08] <pate> I'm feeling less than French, no appetiate for snails...
[00:09] <stargazr> i dobt feel fresh but ill grab a beer
[00:09] <starrmtn001> Heh heh heh
[00:09] <Khamo> falkie has to apply feminine products to kathy for her cause she got those little ass Trex arms
[00:09] <SciFiAuthor> Falkie, just call in, say hi, engage with the girls and ignore the chat.
[00:09] <falkie2013> Kathy is pissed with me and yelling again because I keep trying to be civil with you melon head
[00:09] <FirstBorn> Ha
[00:09] <Khamo> Just hit her falkie
[00:09] <Khamo> as usual
[00:09] <pate> Quit yelling and K will be fyne F
[00:09] Bluebell_ slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:09] <Khamo> She cant fight back with those trex arms
[00:09] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:09] <stargazr> heathens lol
[00:09] <akwilly> Falkie did you put enough money on you're go phone to call in?
[00:10] <Lou_Sheehan> are we back??
[00:10] <pate> T REX good band, Khamo +1 band ref
[00:10] <falkie2013> I'm not calling to entertain the 'zoo'
[00:10] <RoseGirl> you know how to kick someone out of the chat?
[00:10] <trostol> no music?
[00:10] <FirstBorn> Darn
[00:10] <Khamo> Falkie, do you withdraw the SSI check in singles and make it rain on Kathy once each month?
[00:10] <pate> Sounds of Silence
[00:10] <pate> hearing it fyne
[00:10] <trostol> good song
[00:10] <Georgie2216_> (Redacted) doesn't appear to be here anyimore
[00:10] <falkie2013> Yeah, go running to redacted.  she would love to hang me
[00:10] <SciFiAuthor> Falkie, you're in a corner, you have to prove that you are you by calling in, and then you can shame your opponents by ignoring them and talking to the girls. It's basic PR.
[00:10] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:10] <stargazr> dont kick me redacted. lol you got a sexy voice lol
[00:11] <falkie2013> Like a pack of dogs
[00:11] <Khamo> then leave dipshit
[00:11] <stargazr> dogs are move civil\
[00:11] <Khamo> who complains about where they are treated and remains there?  Idiots do
[00:11] <stargazr> more
[00:11] <joe> leave fat ass then
[00:11] <Khamo> exactly
[00:11] <RoseGirl> don't feed the trolls folks
[00:11] <FirstBorn> They'll be right back after this message from the mime labor union
[00:11] <pate> You are the first "Troph" in Red's WOMAN ROOM (man caves are so trodglytical [sp]}
[00:11] <Khamo> You are bringing the property value down on my pc by being in this IRC room
[00:12] <starrmtn001> It's a falkie fishbot slap down!
[00:12] <SciFiAuthor> WHITE CROW, if you're still awake, would you please explain to Falkie how to diffuse this.
[00:12] <pate> I thanks the lawd for my "honorary GIRL CARD" somethymes...
[00:12] <stargazr> lol old school it is lol
[00:12] <Lou_Sheehan> are you broadcasting?
[00:12] <Khamo> Wait till i get these photoshopped picturs of kathy up on imgur
[00:12] <Khamo> they are sexy
[00:12] <FirstBorn> Broadcasting will resume in a jiffy
[00:13] <pate> I get nothiee, Dave type...  Obviously my fault....
[00:13] <trostol> wow that was too much vodka lol
[00:13] <starrmtn001> Richard did't jump ship, he was pushed!
[00:13] <pate> Noe hurunk?  Wuss that harrumph?
[00:13] <gauss> is there no show tonite?
[00:13] <stargazr> mmmm hmmm french fried potaters
[00:13] <pate> CAN I GET A HARRUMPH?
[00:13] <trostol> hmph
[00:13] <Guest26745> we're calling in the posse
[00:13] <sassy_chick> how long is the break?
[00:13] <SciFiAuthor> Gauss, it starts in a few minutes
[00:13] <RoseGirl> there is a show...we will be live momentarily
[00:13] <Khamo> mashed potatos?
[00:13] <RoseGirl> hang on folks
[00:13] <gauss> oh ok
[00:13] <Georgie2216_> gauss, theyk've done two hours and are taking a 15 minute break
[00:13] <Khamo> more like mashed enchantment
[00:14] <gauss> i see
[00:14] <stargazr> mmmm hmm french fried
[00:14] <trostol> temp is starting to creep up now..ick
[00:14] <pate> pate +/- 0 for Blazing Saddles ref
[00:14] <stargazr> mnnn hmmm
[00:14] <Khamo> so can we call in
[00:14] <pate> Dew!
[00:14] <starrmtn001> Falkie left.  Now what am I gonna do with all of these fishbots?  LOL
[00:14] <stargazr> i called brother stair once
[00:14] <stargazr> i was drunk lol
[00:14] <RoseGirl> in once you go back on air
[00:14] <Khamo> HIT ME STAR
[00:14] <Khamo> im ready
[00:14] <FirstBorn> Due to paranormal difficulties.... Stream will be back soon
[00:14] <starrmtn001> Ok
[00:14] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:14] <trostol> i have music...butr i think i have C2C on lol
[00:14] <Khamo> OOOH YEAH
[00:14] <stargazr> he was very nice about it all
[00:15] <pate> On the elevator, no thirteenth floor, going up, going up...
[00:15] <starrmtn001> Again?
[00:15] <Khamo> YES PLS
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] <Khamo> OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH yeeeaaaah
[00:15] <Khamo> that sting is real
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] <pate> Mmm Joy the music
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] joe slaps Kham around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] joe slaps Kham around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] <stargazr> oooooooooooooo what?
[00:15] joe slaps Kham around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] joe slaps Kham around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] joe slaps Kham around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] <pate> FALL IN!
[00:15] <Khamo> I SMELL LIKE CAPE COD
[00:15] <Khamo> MORE
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] <RoseGirl> think we will have bateman in a few minutes
[00:15] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] <Lou_Sheehan> I hit refresh and the music came back
[00:15] <Khamo> awww
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] <Khamo> BATEMAN ALWAYS BEATS ME :(
[00:16] <trostol> should play Science Fiction Double Feature lol
[00:16] <starrmtn001> Enough now?
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] <Khamo> one more for the road
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] <starrmtn001> Ok, my turn
[00:16] <Khamo> or 3
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] <Khamo> :P
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] <pate> Khamo 1SGT, are all present and accounted for?
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] <stargazr> just whe n i thought i was out. they pulled me back in
[00:16] joe slaps littlechris around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] == Khamo has changed nick to Khameleon808
[00:16] <trostol> sweet transvestite for GN?
[00:16] <starrmtn001> Khamo my turn
[00:16] <gauss> i went from michael savage to this as the main show i listen to lol
[00:16] <RoseGirl> lol
[00:16] <Khameleon808> the guards get fish
[00:17] <RoseGirl> you guys are so funny
[00:17] <pate> diggeree doo?  Hmm, perhaps we should do this again 1st>?
[00:17] <RoseGirl> lol
[00:17] <FirstBorn> We interrupt this broadcast to announce that streaming will be back soon
[00:17] <stargazr>  dont talk about prison i may be there soon
[00:17] <Khameleon808> lol
[00:17] <starrmtn001> My turn man!
[00:17] <SciFiAuthor> Jesus. *fires up the dubious*
[00:17] <Khameleon808> she got hawking to do some promo work
[00:17] <stargazr> no shit
[00:17] starrmtn001 slaps Khameleon808 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:17] <pate> PARADE REST
[00:17] <Lou_Sheehan> any audio??
[00:17] starrmtn001 slaps joe around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:17] <VoteQuimby> my stream keeps going down
[00:17] <VoteQuimby> now its up
[00:17] <pate> 1SGT take that man's name
[00:17] <stargazr> i will smile and take my take till they round me up. fuck the family court system
[00:17] <SweetKathy> Sweet Kathy is HERE!
[00:18] <RoseGirl> restart the stream
[00:18] <RoseGirl> we are on
[00:18] starrmtn001 slaps SweetKathy around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:18] <trostol> lol
[00:18] WABCWOTR slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:18] <SciFiAuthor> restart the stream folks
[00:18] <paladin1991> Is it me or is it the stream?
[00:18] <pate> HEAR, SUH.  Rose sez restart, jackwagons
[00:18] <VoteQuimby> RESTART THE STEAM
[00:18] starrmtn001 slaps WABCWOTR around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:18] <Lou_Sheehan> Gotcha.  Your theme then restatrt.
[00:18] <FirstBorn> Sounds like fallout
[00:18] VoteQuimby slaps Guest26745 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:18] <pate> seekruts, nance
[00:19] <trostol> i was gonna play fallout 3 too
[00:19] Lou_Sheehan slaps Guest26745 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:19] <WABCWOTR> Rosegirl... You are now promoting it!
[00:19] <paladin1991> I keep getting ART with Long John
[00:19] Popple slaps Guest26745 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:19] Zenman slaps Guest26745 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:19] <pate> da Rose knoes
[00:19] Georgie2216_ slaps BellaHaven around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:19] VoteQuimby slaps RoseGirl around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:19] <FirstBorn> Fallout 4 hell yeah
[00:19] starrmtn001 slaps RoseGirl around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:19] <pate> Focus, nance
[00:19] <Zenman> lol
[00:19] <sassy_chick> you can have a poll
[00:19] <trostol> cant wait..FO 4 looks insane
[00:19] starrmtn001 slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:19] <pate> 'pologies
[00:19] <Zenman> I saw that!
[00:19] <Falkie3069> Falkie3069 IS HERE! LARGE AND IN CHARGE MOFOZ
[00:19] <stargazr> guess i wasnt in the circle. hope they have a good jerk
[00:19] <Zenman> yes indeed
[00:20] <SweetKathy> I love you Falkie3069!!!
[00:20] <booory>         * Slaps Falkie2013 around a bit because he's a large davebot
[00:20] <pate> Mur ah, turm, eric?
[00:20] <starrmtn001> WABCWOTR Where's the davebot???
[00:20] <paladin1991> How many times am I gonna have to listen to Angel Baby?  Jeez ladies, how long does it take to take a leak and get a cup of coffee?
[00:20] <Falkie3069> I love you too, girl. How's your fine sexy self this evening?
[00:20] <WABCWOTR> It should read slaps with a Davebot...
[00:20] starrmtn001 slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:20] <SweetKathy> Fine and sexxy!
[00:20] <booory> its back on
[00:20] <pate> Thyme Enuf Fo Luv, pal
[00:20] <paladin1991> Oh wait, I'm married.  It takes as long as it takes.
[00:20] <trostol> HERE COMES  THE BOOM
[00:20] starrmtn001 slaps Falkie3069 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:20] <paladin1991> Star hits me with a fishbot?  Wait, I think you found my G spot
[00:20] starrmtn001 slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:21] <Karios8> Great show, ladies! However, I must attempt sleep
[00:21] <stargazr> took me like a min and a half palidin lol scuse spelling
[00:21] <paladin1991> Yep, you found my G spot
[00:21] <FirstBorn> Using an iPad for chatting is the cat's meow
[00:21] <WABCWOTR> *WABCWOTR slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large DAVEBOT
[00:21] <Karios8> Don't hunt me down
[00:21] <paladin1991> Thanks
[00:21] <starrmtn001> paladin1991 Fishbot brawl LOL!
[00:21] <pate> DOH!
[00:21] paladin1991 slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:21] SweetKathy slaps deadmeow around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:21] paladin1991 slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:21] <pate> seekrut fiends?
[00:21] paladin1991 slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:21] <paladin1991> Say you like it!
[00:21] Khameleon808 does a quick dab before gettin hit with a fish again
[00:21] <starrmtn001> WABCWOTR  Davebot LMAO!!!
[00:21] Guest26745 slaps Lou_Sheehan around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:21] starrmtn001 slaps Khameleon808 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:21] <FirstBorn> Happy ending
[00:21] <Guest26745> hee
[00:21] <pate> clutch the pearls
[00:21] <paladin1991> Say it starr, say you like it!
[00:22] paladin1991 slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:22] paladin1991 slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:22] paladin1991 slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:22] <starrmtn001> I love it!!!
[00:22] <Lou_Sheehan> OUCH!!
[00:22] <trostol> NUMBER 5 IS ALIVE!!!!!
[00:22] <booory>       *slaps LittleChris around a little bit with a large Falkiebot
[00:22] starrmtn001 slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:22] <stargazr> too many stars
[00:22] starrmtn001 slaps booory around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:22] <stargazr> getting blurry
[00:22] <paladin1991> Ouch!  YOu're hurting Starr
[00:22] starrmtn001 slaps stargazr around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:22] <stargazr> lol
[00:22] <pate> Like a kid playing fleshlight ?
[00:22] <Khameleon808> NEED INPUT
[00:22] <FirstBorn> It's full of stars
[00:22] starrmtn001 slaps pate around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:22] <trostol> lol
[00:22] <Zenman> lol the hosts are slapping us with fishbots
[00:22] starrmtn001 slaps trostol around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:23] <paladin1991> Oh crap, Starr, I forgot the SAFE WORD!
[00:23] <stargazr> who the fuck would give a kid a fleshlight
[00:23] <trostol> booo
[00:23] <WABCWOTR> Zenman do you blame them?
[00:23] <starrmtn001> paladin1991 What safe word???
[00:23] <pate> Tewlamore Dew Funnee
[00:23] <pate> sorry pal...
[00:24] <Zenman> I blame them not lol
[00:24] <WABCWOTR> DO you really want to capture it tonight, Nancy?
[00:24] <Zenman> lol rose
[00:24] <stargazr> ya all made me smile i thank ya
[00:24] <guestee> Yeah, save this one for the books
[00:24] <paladin1991> Safe word.  It's to ease up!  You know, to ease up on the foreplay
[00:24] starrmtn001 slaps stargazr around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:24] paladin1991 slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:24] <pate> Richard Ease is a registered TaintCo product?
[00:24] <Zenman> mr slither
[00:24] <trostol> not me..i still dont know how to send a pm to someone in here lol
[00:25] <starrmtn001> paladin1991 ok I'll  . . . HEY!
[00:25] <booory> it was falkie!!
[00:25] <paladin1991> Sure, 'If you ain't got Richard Ease, you ain't got Dick!'
[00:25] <pate> Swanging Richard Eeese?
[00:25] starrmtn001 slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:25] <trostol> WATER IS WARM
[00:25] <pate> Streams Crossed!
[00:25] <trostol> POOF!!!!!!
[00:25] <Georgie2216_> that was interestig
[00:25] <Zenman> bate!
[00:25] <Zenman> uhoh
[00:25] <Khameleon808> who is host
[00:25] <VoteQuimby> CALL IN - 215 - 488 - 7374
[00:25] <paladin1991> Hey, White Crow is here
[00:26] <pate> WEASE him in
[00:26] <stargazr> i dont know how to do a damn thing i just came in after i listened to art. the gabcast gives me some chuckles here and there
[00:26] <WABCWOTR> This IS Whitecrow.
[00:26] <Zenman> he's walking around there at 3AM?
[00:26] <pate> He's hitting every payphone on the PATH?
[00:26] <Khameleon808> hmm
[00:26] <bateman> what a shitshow
[00:26] <starrmtn001> bateman Hi man!
[00:26] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:26] <stargazr> hell i dont even kno the  wwhite crow joke truely
[00:26] <RoseGirl> hi ya bateman
[00:26] <booory> am i the only one who keeps losing the stream?
[00:26] <Khameleon808> yup
[00:26] <bateman> I'm actually Falkie2013 impersonating bateman
[00:26] <pate> *PTAH
[00:27] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:27] <pate> apologies, fat fingers on smartphone
[00:27] <trostol> TECHNOLOGY...DONT YOU LOVE IT
[00:27] <Khameleon808> so can i call after this ?
[00:27] <Khameleon808> or is there a discussion going on?
[00:27] <bateman> I don't approve of bateman disapproving of my mild youtube nudity.
[00:27] <stargazr> ahh ya all pray i never call lmao
[00:27] <guestee> Entropy is going down
[00:27] <paladin1991> oh great, falkie is now bateman
[00:27] <Zenman> hey bate
[00:27] <bateman> Or I should say Kathy's mild youtube nudity.
[00:27] <pate> Methings they arrrr "fingering it oot"
[00:27] <Georgie2216_> and Drone is Falkie
[00:28] <trostol> ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??????
[00:28] <Zenman> we love it
[00:28] <pate> Weekend radio, only loosers and rat eeturz lishun, no worries, ladies
[00:28] <starrmtn001> paladin1991 let's gang-slap bateman/falkie!!!!
[00:28] <bateman> Is this show live?
[00:28] <pate> hehah
[00:28] <paladin1991> Drone is falkie?  "Is that you John Wayne?  Or is this me?"
[00:28] <WABCWOTR> I think most of us enjoy this...  
[00:28] <stargazr> the sad thing is . im here rather than listening to coast and yes tro i am slighly entertained
[00:28] <Zenman> lol
[00:28] <Lou_Sheehan> This is the 'shakeout' period
[00:28] WABCWOTR slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:28] paladin1991 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:28] paladin1991 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:28] <pate> seekruts?
[00:28] <bateman> I think littlechris is impersonating drone impersonating falkie impersonating bateman
[00:28] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:29] <Georgie2216_> His reading comprehension is too good for Falkie
[00:29] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:29] <bateman> but maybe someone is impersonating littlechris, too?
[00:29] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:29] <bateman> who could it be?
[00:29] <pate> add fife minuten to broadcast
[00:29] <trostol> CAN I PHONE A FRIEND?
[00:29] <pate> ENJOY
[00:29] paladin1991 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:29] paladin1991 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:29] <WABCWOTR> Falkie impersonating Little Chris impersonating him?
[00:29] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:29] <bateman> Steve Batmean lol
[00:29] <stargazr> comprehension is probably as good as my keyboard hopps and bong resin
[00:29] <starrmtn001> LOL
[00:29] <GeoNemesis> update skype
[00:29] <paladin1991> I can keep it up all night Bateman.  Use the SAFE WORD or you're gonna find out.   The hard way
[00:30] paladin1991 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:30] <Zenman> hey batmean
[00:30] <pate> Eye full liek an radio viginian fumblone the darrrrk
[00:30] WABCWOTR slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:30] <bateman> This is like listening to those apes on Kubrick's 2001
[00:30] starrmtn001 slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:30] <pate> ADMIN RITES?
[00:30] <Zenman> slap him
[00:30] <Khameleon808> not really feelin this
[00:30] <stargazr> u guys are like old irc shit
[00:30] <Zenman> not me
[00:30] <Khameleon808> hostile vibe
[00:30] <Khameleon808> pce
[00:30] <bateman> Not true!
[00:30] <bateman> I am bateman!
[00:30] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:30] <paladin1991> prove it\
[00:30] <Georgie2216_> then who's on the radio?
[00:30] <WABCWOTR> Hi Bateman
[00:30] <starrmtn001> Prove it!
[00:30] <WABCWOTR> *WABCWOTR slaps bateman around a bit with a large DAVEBOT
[00:31] <bateman> I am not falkie.
[00:31] <pate> I am "channeling" a scene from STV undiscovered?
[00:31] <Zenman> he says he's bateman tho
[00:31] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:31] <bateman> I interviewed Richard Hoagland on my podcast Dark City
[00:31] <pate> Kountry?
[00:31] <Khameleon808> lol noob
[00:31] <stargazr> if it smells like fish its a tasty dish it if smells like cologne leave it alone
[00:31] <bateman> people did not realize I was high on cough syrup
[00:31] <starrmtn001> bateman Is that REALLY you bateman???
[00:31] <booory> the bateman on the podcast just said he wasnt in the chat room
[00:31] <bateman> hahahaha
[00:31] <Zenman> im confusing
[00:31] <pate> heavuns too betzy!
[00:31] <stargazr> aye benedryl
[00:31] <WABCWOTR> Bateman is whitecrow?  It all makes sense now.
[00:31] <stargazr> lmao
[00:31] <Georgie2216_> the bateman on the podcast is really falkie2013
[00:31] <trostol> HAH HA HA
[00:31] <stargazr> i took 75 once
[00:31] <Zenman> that's not the real pate is it
[00:32] <paladin1991> I can't hear shit.  I must be going deaf.  Again.  Or still
[00:32] <GeoNemesis> how long is 'since 1:00'??
[00:32] <bateman> I think Zenman is Redacted
[00:32] <booory> wow the audio quality really went down on your mic bateman when you called back...
[00:32] <Georgie2216_> restart the stream
[00:32] <WABCWOTR> The ultimate Whitecrow / Bateman troll.
[00:32] <GeoNemesis> it's 2:32 am here noiw
[00:32] <booory> im actually art bell
[00:32] <bateman> this is so mussed up
[00:32] <Zenman> I wish
[00:32] <pate> You have answers Zenman?  We have questions....
[00:32] starrmtn001 slaps WhiteCrow_ around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:32] <RoseGirl> restart your streams if you hear nothing
[00:32] <Khameleon808> sure you are
[00:32] <SciFiAuthor> restart the stream
[00:32] <paladin1991> Yeah?  No shit, Georgie?  what do you think I have been doing?
[00:32] <stargazr> little clear spiders got lost six times on the way to work lol. still did the shift
[00:32] <bateman> It's really cowardly of bateman to claim he's not me.
[00:32] <bateman> I can't believe that shit.
[00:32] <starrmtn001> WhiteCrow_  Wake up man!
[00:32] <pate> half ass bladerunner ref
[00:32] <Khameleon808> art has never spoke a word to me so i know its not you
[00:32] starrmtn001 slaps WhiteCrow_ around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:32] <Khameleon808> Fail
[00:33] <paladin1991> I keep hearing Angel Baby
[00:33] <booory> nice talking and typing at the same time bateman
[00:33] <bateman> What sort of prude claims he's not himself when he's obviously himself?
[00:33] <trostol> macho man!!!!!
[00:33] <Khameleon808> Should to got +v only in here
[00:33] <bateman> This fake bateman on the podcast is probably littlechris.
[00:33] <pate> seekruts?
[00:33] <trostol> BUH BYE
[00:33] <Khameleon808> so only registered users can participate
[00:33] <Khameleon808> no more imposters :P
[00:33] <paladin1991> Okay, I'm punching out
[00:33] <WABCWOTR> Did Bellaheaven attract every troll on Bellgab in one evening?
[00:33] <Khameleon808>  think so
[00:33] <pate> perception is reality
[00:34] <stargazr> reality is an illusion
[00:34] <Khameleon808> +v mode the room :)
[00:34] == WABCWOTR has changed nick to ART_WOTR
[00:34] <paladin1991> *Poof*  I'm back
[00:34] starrmtn001 slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:34] <bateman> I'm wearing JP MUgglestones underpants right naw
[00:34] <stargazr> they gave me a blue pill it was a suppository
[00:34] <bateman> and that's IT!
[00:34] <trostol> i thought Larry King
[00:34] <Khameleon808> THIS IS ART CROW
[00:34] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:34] <bateman> drinking my bourbon
[00:34] == Khameleon808 has changed nick to ArtCrow
[00:34] <ART_WOTR> Khameleon808 This IS ART_WOTR
[00:34] starrmtn001 slaps ArtCrow around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:34] <pate> Rush is awesome, N joy thier Trouble in the Forest song (sp)
[00:34] <stargazr> screecch rum dont drink it
[00:35] <ArtCrow> lol
[00:35] <bateman> we need a batecrow
[00:35] <paladin1991> Nope.  No Dope.  No stream.
[00:35] <Georgie2216_> be quiet I'm trying to listen
[00:35] ART_WOTR slaps ArtCrow around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:35] <starrmtn001> bateman  No, crowbait lol!
[00:35] <stargazr> pete welsch former white house dude introduced me to it
[00:35] <pate> Stop signing, I'm trying to hear!
[00:35] <Zenman> <Georgie2216_>   yes
[00:35] <stargazr> taste like paint thinner
[00:35] paladin1991 slaps BellaHaven around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:35] <bateman> littlekathy
[00:36] <stargazr> dum b sob married my cuz
[00:36] <bateman> How come all these goddamn new yorkers sound like Joe Pesci?
[00:36] <bateman> It makes me SICK
[00:36] <WhiteBell> huh?
[00:36] <pate> I want to congratulate Nance and Rose on being the first podcasters to employ a hearing impaired interpreter...
[00:36] <AlanPartridge> Aha!
[00:36] <VoteQuimby> MV just pm'ed everyone the link for the interview
[00:36] <paladin1991> GeoNemesis  is GN
[00:36] <Zenman> thanks wotr
[00:36] <pate> Too Soon?  'pologies
[00:36] CrowBait slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:36] CrowBait slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:37] <trostol> AART FOLLOWED JOHN
[00:37] <stargazr> i get the emails here and there. these chicks gonna go live again or?
[00:37] <Zenman> aha!
[00:37] CrowBait slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:37] paladin1991 slaps ArtCrow around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:37] paladin1991 slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:37] <Zenman> good ear Nance, that you caught that
[00:37] paladin1991 slaps wr250-away around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:37] == ArtCrow has changed nick to BellBait
[00:37] paladin1991 slaps AlanPartridge around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:37] paladin1991 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] paladin1991 slaps BellBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] CrowBait slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] <stargazr> you know how you bake a carp?
[00:38] <Zenman> I saw that crowbait
[00:38] paladin1991 slaps BellBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] <WhiteBell> all the fishbots
[00:38] CrowBait slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] <stargazr> butter that board
[00:38] <bateman> where is littleart ?
[00:38] <CrowBait> Heh heh heh
[00:38] paladin1991 slaps Falkiesfan around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] paladin1991 slaps Falkiesfan around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] <WhiteBell> bateman deservers all the fishbots
[00:38] paladin1991 slaps Falkiesfan around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] <Falkiesfan> Talk Falkie
[00:38] CrowBait slaps Falkiesfan around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] <ART_WOTR> Is there any chance that WABC will feature Knapp in the near future?
[00:38] paladin1991 slaps RoseGirl around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] <bateman> Falkiesfan, you are the whore!
[00:38] <Falkiesfan> Falkie Falkie Falkie falkie
[00:38] <trostol> ITS ME!!!!!
[00:38] <stargazr> cook that sob at 450 for three houra
[00:38] CrowBait slaps RoseGirl around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] ART_WOTR slaps Falkiesfan around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] <pate> Mystique does not wear a slip, she shows slides...
[00:39] <bateman> Falkiesfan is LittleChris
[00:39] Georgie2216_ slaps BellaHaven around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] Georgie2216_ slaps wr250-away around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] Georgie2216_ slaps AlanPartridge around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] <stargazr> throw awway the carp and eat the board
[00:39] Georgie2216_ slaps ART_WOTR around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] CrowBait slaps trostol around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] <ArtBell> Hi folks.
[00:39] <Georgie2216_> Hi Art
[00:39] CrowBait slaps ArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] <trostol> ello
[00:39] <stargazr> haha art?
[00:39] <Georgie2216_> I almost slapped you
[00:39] <paladin1991> Dammit  No stream.  Is it because I'm black?
[00:39] <ArtBell> You're still talking about this?
[00:39] <CrowBait> Hi Art!
[00:39] <pate> erm
[00:39] paladin1991 slaps ArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] <ArtBell> i love fish
[00:39] <ART_WOTR> *ART_WOTR slaps Zenman around a bit with a large DAVEBOT
[00:40] CrowBait slaps ArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:40] CrowBait slaps ART_WOTR around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:40] <pate> fresh or salty, art?
[00:40] <ArtBell> What's funny is, I'm real.
[00:40] <Gnoory> I AM POOP
[00:40] <stargazr> is there gonna be a stream or am i the caRP
[00:40] CrowBait slaps pate around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:40] == Gnoory has changed nick to Guest14992
[00:40] <Guest14992> POOP
[00:40] CrowBait slaps Popple around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:40] <ArtBell> i agree with gnoory
[00:40] <Guest14992> ArtBell, my arch nemesis!
[00:40] <Zenman> I saw that art_wotr   where'd you get the davebot??
[00:40] <GeoNemesis> I'm not fake!
[00:40] <CrowBait> Popple Hi man
[00:40] <ArtBell> for the first time
[00:40] <paladin1991> ART, that's not funny
[00:40] <ART_WOTR> *ART_WOTR slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large FUNYON
[00:40] <Nooryisawesome> What the hell is going in
[00:40] <pate> Gnoory + one billion
[00:40] <SciFiAuthor> nothing but an attack by trolls tonight
[00:41] <CrowBait> ART_WOTR LMAO!!!!!!
[00:41] <ART_WOTR> Zenman just typed out the whole sentence by hand and changed the last word...
[00:41] <SciFiAuthor> Sort of a sad attack, if this is fun for you, try getting laid. It's way more fun.
[00:41] <pate> such fun eh, scifi?
[00:41] <ArtBell> He just said he was POOP. I agree with that part
[00:41] <Zenman> sounds like work!
[00:41] <BellBait> Attack?
[00:41] <ART_WOTR> SciFiAuthor if you can't beat them, join them.
[00:41] <Guest15547> God damnit
[00:41] <BellBait> Do you feel Attacked?
[00:41] <paladin1991> Huh, trolls.  On BellaHaven.  On the night that ART has his interview.......
[00:41] <Guest15547> I can't make fake names anymore.
[00:41] <pate> Haha, art minus too
[00:41] <Popple> lol hai crowbait. how are yewwww?
[00:41] <Nooryisawesome> The fake name thing is lame
[00:41] <stargazr> one of my old friends laughs everytime i say.....WORD
[00:41] CrowBait slaps Jackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:42] CrowBait slaps Nooryisawesome around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:42] <trostol> ha ha hahah
[00:42] <SciFiAuthor> Well, I mean, I can think of 20 things that are more fun that bullshit trolling a chat room
[00:42] CrowBait slaps trostol around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:42] <ART_WOTR> Didn't know that Dave was kicked off.  Makes it all the sweeter!!!
[00:42] <pate> large frozen pants trout is prize, keep it up keeds
[00:42] == BellBait has changed nick to kham808
[00:42] <ArtBell> Don't worry, the other guy will get what he deserves in time.
[00:42] <kham808> well what would one of those things be?
[00:42] <Nooryisawesome> Dave say anything about art on coast?
[00:42] <Zenman>  <SciFiAuthor>  no attack, just a bunch of giddy regulars who've changed their handles, lol
[00:42] <Guest15547> I wonder why I wasn't banned. Weird.
[00:42] <SciFiAuthor> Jacking off, smoking a doob, watching Netflix ... just find something to do because this trolling shit is bullshit
[00:42] mrspock slaps ArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:42] <ART_WOTR> Did anybody catch some of the Dave show tonight?
[00:43] <paladin1991> I'm several shots of Scotch into my bottle and I can't hear a thing.  I'm deaf tonight folks.
[00:43] <kham808> Wow, take it more seriously why dont you
[00:43] <pate> sumteen's groanin' on guest15547...
[00:43] <Guest15547> We all know the real SciFi author has no dick, so SciFi is apparently an imposter.
[00:43] <kham808> maybe im doing all those things at once too
[00:43] <mrspock> who cares about dave? he sucks
[00:43] <ArtBell> Ok, to prove this is really me, i will give a hint on the Air Sunday night.
[00:43] <VoteQuimby> I caught the opening minutes of Coast, Dave sounds like he's on painkillers
[00:43] <SciFiAuthor> Yes, I am an imposter Sci fi.
[00:43] <pate> hoos dave?
[00:43] <Guest15547> ArtBell, I believe you.
[00:43] <stargazr> man i wouldnt troll this shit. i thought i t wwould be fun.. aye
[00:43] CrowBait slaps ArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:43] <kham808> irc butthurt is real
[00:43] <sassy_chick> I think its the real art bell.
[00:43] <mrspock> art your the man
[00:44] mrspock slaps WhiteCrow_ around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:44] <ArtBell> ok...I'll say the word "fishbot" at least once during the broadcast...
[00:44] <ART_WOTR> SciFi  I just consider that it is everybody unwinding tonight from the excitement of Art.  Probably just a one night thing...
[00:44] <pate> Cereal?  Glutes esp Maxima
[00:44] <Georgie2216_> I have no idea, but great interview tonight Art
[00:44] CrowBait slaps ArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:44] <kham808> Sellin wolf tickets in addition to ccrane radios
[00:44] <Nooryisawesome> If it is art he should call into Bella
[00:44] <Zenman> could be sassy, probably not tho
[00:44] mrspock slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:44] <kham808> Whats the number to call in
[00:44] <Zenman> lol nance
[00:44] <ArtBell> It was good to finally get tomspeak again!
[00:44] == kham808 has changed nick to Khameleon
[00:44] CrowBait slaps mrspock around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:44] <mrspock> hello bateman
[00:45] <ART_WOTR> 215-488-7374
[00:45] <pate> PODGE THE GRID
[00:45] <Jackstar> it wouldn't be the first time Art was here. looks like him. roswells art
[00:45] <Khameleon> ok thank you wotr
[00:45] mrspock slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:45] <Guest15547> I can't believe ArtBell said George Noory was poop.
[00:45] ART_WOTR slaps Khameleon around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:45] <trostol> SOLAR FLARE? PROTECT THE GRID!!!!!!
[00:45] <paladin1991> Hey, ART.  Give a shout out to the 3RD ANGLICO Marines  'Lightiening From The Sky, Thunder From The Sea'
[00:45] <Nooryisawesome> 215 488-7374 Call in
[00:45] <Nooryisawesome> 215 488-7374 Call in number
[00:45] mrspock slaps WhiteCrow_ around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:45] <trostol> whew this liast drink kicked my ass lol
[00:45] CrowBait slaps WhiteCrow_ around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:45] <ArtBell> ok guys..see you Sunday night!
[00:45] <ArtBell> bye
[00:45] <sassy_chick> yes its the REAL art bell
[00:45] <stargazr> im actually facing a possible sentence for malicious assualt. unfounded but real if the stream doesnt resuem i will go back to my shithole. probably the most honest motherfucker you all will ever meet
[00:45] <trostol> bye
[00:46] <Nooryisawesome> 215 488-7374 Cal inn
[00:46] <pate> nigt art
[00:46] <CrowBait> Good night Art
[00:46] <Georgie2216_> goodnight Art
[00:46] <sassy_chick> by Art!!!
[00:46] <ART_WOTR> Bye Bart_Ell
[00:46] <Jackstar> lol omfg
[00:46] <ArtBell> lol im not really art bell
[00:46] <sassy_chick> ANSWER IT NANCY!!!
[00:46] <trostol> WATER IS WARM!!!!!
[00:46] <Khameleon> lol
[00:46] <Khameleon> dude
[00:46] <pate> He also had a Veterans project, artbell
[00:46] <Jackstar> classic
[00:46] <Nooryisawesome> I don't think it was art. Art would call in
[00:46] <Zenman> night Art
[00:46] <ArtBell> isnt this fun
[00:46] <TheBlackArtBell> Everyone knows the REAL ART BELL IS BLACK!
[00:46] <stargazr> i would kno art
[00:46] <pate> lawd
[00:46] <Khameleon> lol
[00:46] <ArtBell> ok im really going though bye
[00:46] Jackstar facepalm
[00:46] <SciFiAuthor> God, fake fake Art, quit being an attention whore
[00:46] <stargazr> fuck the keyboard
[00:46] <Khameleon> do you guys have an actual skype account to call
[00:46] <TheBlackArtBell> Art Bell, you imposter. Get out of here!
[00:46] <Georgie2216_> bye not really Art
[00:46] <sassy_chick> theblackartbell !!! hahaha!!
[00:46] <CrowBait> BC Hi man!  (is that you?).
[00:46] <Khameleon> not callin through the phone number
[00:47] mrspock slaps mrspock around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] <Nooryisawesome> 215 488-7374 Call in
[00:47] <TheBlackArtBell> I'm kicking ass and taking names! Black Art Bell forever!
[00:47] <SciFiAuthor> We should call this night of the attention whore.
[00:47] <Khameleon> nah they dont know how skype works
[00:47] <TheBlackArtBell> Later I'm going to drinking with the BLACK BATEMAN!
[00:47] <paladin1991> No!  I can't hear the stream becuse I am black
[00:47] <pate> I've got two phone lines and a microphone...
[00:47] CrowBait slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] <Khameleon> scifi, its amazing that you are waiting it out
[00:47] paladin1991 slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] <Khameleon> real trooper
[00:47] == Jackstar has changed nick to Blackstar
[00:47] paladin1991 slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] <sassy_chick> nancy, this chat is the GEATEST!!!  DONT CHANGE A THING!!
[00:47] <Blackstar> rawr!
[00:47] mrspock slaps Blackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] CrowBait slaps Blackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] <SciFiAuthor> Kham, I'm stoned, I can do great things when I'm this way
[00:47] ART_WOTR slaps Blackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] <stargazr> u kick ass all u want i still got my bubblebum
[00:47] <Blackstar> go on, ban me, now I'm immortal
[00:47] <trostol> politics!!!!!
[00:47] <pate> Hear me RHOAR!
[00:47] mrspock slaps Blackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] <TheBlackArtBell> Blackstar, you sadist!
[00:48] CrowBait slaps SciFiAuthor around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:48] <pate> Play the tape, nance
[00:48] <Khameleon> well you are obv bothered so maybe smoke better shit
[00:48] Blackstar organizes the community
[00:48] <TheBlackArtBell> I once saw the Black George Noory devouring walrus shit!
[00:48] CrowBait slaps TheBlackArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:48] <TheBlackArtBell> It was on the hood of a blue Datsun.
[00:48] <GeoNemesis> I'm recording it too... (havent listened to it yet though)
[00:48] <pate> I prufur Pepto, liek the PANK!
[00:48] <trostol> ha ha ha ha ha
[00:48] <ART_WOTR> votequimby Thanks
[00:48] <stargazr> rattled and stupid? lmao did you see me in court?
[00:48] == Blackstar has changed nick to Jackstar
[00:48] <ART_WOTR> I cannot listen.
[00:48] <Khameleon> so they cannot accept more than one call
[00:48] <Khameleon> lmao
[00:48] CrowBait slaps Jackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:49] <Jackstar> okay that was fun but I don't want anyone to think I'm catholic or something.
[00:49] CrowBait slaps Jackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:49] <pate> Mixes well with Vodka, whick is usually sumtheen
[00:49] <TheBlackArtBell> The Black Bateman wouldn't puss out of the Black Nancy Birnes Black Bella Heaven!
[00:49] <trostol> same VQ
[00:49] <Mr_Slither> Hi Nanct, no I haven't tried to call in today
[00:49] <Zenman> really good point nance
[00:49] <Khameleon> nope i am tryin to call
[00:49] <Khameleon> but no one seems to know how skype works over there
[00:49] <pate> NO COINSHUNDUNCES!
[00:49] <Zenman> Maybe we really didn't go to the moon
[00:49] <Khameleon> caus the host can add anyone to any conference
[00:49] <TheBlackArtBell> Black White Crow is a pussy
[00:49] <Khameleon> so id need the actual skype account to call
[00:49] <Khameleon> not the number
[00:50] <stargazr> ok god bless you all but was plenty of time to pee and get high. no strea<
[00:50] mrspock slaps TheBlackArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] <CrowBait> What fight?  We're just playin' Fishbot Tag!
[00:50] CrowBait slaps mrspock around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] <TheBlackArtBell> the Black Falkie has more HOES than Jesus!
[00:50] <pate> curses were traded...
[00:50] mrspock slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] mrspock slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] CrowBait slaps Ms_C around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] <Khameleon> Il just keep hittin it till it works
[00:50] CrowBait slaps Ms_C around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] CrowBait slaps Ms_C around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] CrowBait slaps Khameleon around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] <stargazr> jesus protected the wwhores man
[00:50] <Khameleon> :)
[00:50] <Mr_Slither> Khameleon, don't worry, Nanct wouldn't take my call yesterday on the basis of my name!
[00:50] <pate> KHAAAAN!
[00:50] mrspock slaps Guest26745 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] <stargazr> he wanted to get stoned too
[00:51] CrowBait slaps BC around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:51] <paladin1991> alright  I'm done here.  I can't pick up the stream.  I've got work in the moring.
[00:51] mrspock slaps Georgie2216_ around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:51] <Khameleon> Well i honestly dont think they know wtf they are doing with skype
[00:51] mrspock slaps Khameleon around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:51] <CrowBait> Goodnight paladin1991
[00:51] <ART_WOTR> Good night paladin
[00:51] mrspock slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:51] <paladin1991> Goodnight everyone.  B safe
[00:51] <stargazr> god bless ya paladin. good comic book hero
[00:51] <TheBlackArtBell> why so silent this evening, Black Brig?
[00:51] <Mr_Slither> Khameleon, that's true as well
[00:51] <Zenman> definitely   trostol
[00:51] <pate> pal, careful, keep the powder dry and the action tight
[00:51] <stargazr> see ya on the flip flop
[00:51] CrowBait slaps stargazr around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:52] <Zenman> night pal
[00:52] mrspock slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:52] CrowBait slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:52] <stargazr>  dont get the lingo but thats ok
[00:52] <pate> Paladin1991, do a pull up for Chesty
[00:52] <TheBlackArtBell> Someone needs to tell Bateman he needs new advertisers. J C Mucklestones underpants kills the mood every time.
[00:52] <ART_WOTR> stargazr would that be a fish flip flopping?
[00:52] <TheBlackArtBell> I'm trying to dig on some paranormal espionage and then I get told I need to buy some expensive underwar.
[00:52] <Zenman> I forgot who Crowbait is   but I head that
[00:52] <CrowBait> LOL
[00:52] <Khameleon> dude
[00:52] <stargazr> nah man its a road term
[00:52] <stargazr> cb shit
[00:52] <Khameleon> CALLS
[00:52] <Khameleon> TAKE THEM
[00:52] <SciFiAuthor> hooked me, I demanded that Bateman convince them to make a set of underwear out of pot and I'm there.
[00:53] <pate> steve is on the hook, right naow
[00:53] <ART_WOTR> I know.  Thanks to the convoy song...
[00:53] <TheBlackArtBell> Trostol, I bought some JC Mugglestones and they didn't fit right, because I'm black.
[00:53] <Georgie2216_> popple is femal?
[00:53] <Georgie2216_> *female?
[00:53] <trostol> hja!!!!!!
[00:53] <Mr_Slither> Spook! That's weird. I hate weirdos, Slither...
[00:53] <mrspock> *im cool
[00:53] <pate> Bona Fides?
[00:53] <ART_WOTR> And, I think that Burt Reynolds show?
[00:53] <stargazr> im dissappointed. thought they  would stream man. going thru a tough patch of life
[00:53] starrmtn001 slaps Ms_C around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:53] <TheBlackArtBell> the Black Burt Reynolds goes commando
[00:54] mrspock slaps BellaHaven around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] <Khameleon> omg
[00:54] <Khameleon> stop breathing in the mic
[00:54] mrspock slaps FirstBorn around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] starrmtn001 slaps BellaHaven around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] starrmtn001 slaps Juan_Cena around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] mrspock slaps Popple around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] mrspock slaps TheBlackArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] starrmtn001 slaps Hank around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] <pate> It's only a model...
[00:54] mrspock slaps VoteQuimby around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] starrmtn001 slaps Georgie2216_ around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] starrmtn001 slaps sassy_chick around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] <TheBlackArtBell> Bateman is a crook.
[00:54] <SciFiAuthor> You know who I like, I like ItsOver's posts.
[00:54] starrmtn001 slaps themudking-away around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:55] <pate> Ima kook
[00:55] <trostol> DOG PILEON THE RABBIT
[00:55] <Khameleon> ugh
[00:55] starrmtn001 slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:55] <ART_WOTR> *ART_WOTR slaps mrspock around a bit with a large Kirk
[00:55] <starrmtn001> LOL
[00:55] <stargazr> see that is exactly hat will turn people off man
[00:55] mrspock slaps ART_WOTR around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:55] <sassy_chick> OUCH!
[00:55] starrmtn001 slaps stargazr around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:55] <pate> seekruts?
[00:55] <stargazr> keyboard sucks but i know what i type
[00:55] <Zenman> I saw that starr   you fishbot slapper
[00:55] <TheBlackArtBell> Once Bateman had a job as Santa Clause, and him and his black midget elf friend tried to pull a heist.
[00:55] <stargazr> aye
[00:55] <Khameleon> how come there's an introduction thread on BG but not a 'goodbye" one
[00:55] <starrmtn001> Zenman  Heh heh heh
[00:56] <pate> cliques and claques...
[00:56] Guest slaps Mr_Slither around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:56] <pate> pranks are the moast funee
[00:56] starrmtn001 slaps SrediVashtar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:56] <VoteQuimby> lol
[00:56] <VoteQuimby> that shit is epic
[00:56] <Guest> Was Falkie here earlier??
[00:56] <VoteQuimby> Dave being forced to listened to Art before he goes on
[00:56] <Khameleon> Nope
[00:56] <VoteQuimby> hahahahahaha
[00:56] <starrmtn001> Yes
[00:56] <mrspock> falkie sucks
[00:56] <Zenman> starr  it's gotta be an all time record fishbot slap night
[00:56] <trostol> i dont think Dave really..thought about that
[00:56] <pate> skeert of planks?  we 'ave sum broads fur yew!
[00:57] <Mr_Slither> Guest, you rude fellow
[00:57] <starrmtn001> Zenman  Yes it is!  Ye-Haaa
[00:57] <TheBlackArtBell> Bateman's next advertiser is going to be Tucks
[00:57] <stargazr> well im gonna bail. dig the gabcast. art is a classic.. still like clyde carry on folks thanks for putting up with me. may god bless you all
[00:57] <starrmtn001> Good night stargazr
[00:57] <TheBlackArtBell> see ya star, you fine booty
[00:57] <ART_WOTR> Would Dave do politics well Nancy?
[00:57] <Zenman> night stargazr
[00:57] <ART_WOTR> Night stargazr
[00:57] <stargazr> lol ty man ty
[00:57] <Khameleon> so they are not taking anymore calls ?
[00:58] <pate> call in?
[00:58] <Khameleon> had them hit "busy" like 8 times in a row
[00:58] <Khameleon> nah
[00:58] <starrmtn001> OMG  It's 2 am here!  
[00:58] <Lou_Sheehan> why not advertise on art's trial run???
[00:58] <TheBlackArtBell> BOOM ;)
[00:58] <trostol> i dont get ads on youtube any more
[00:58] <Khameleon> Bro
[00:58] <Mr_Slither> Anyone using Win 10?
[00:58] <TheBlackArtBell> Trostol, you got start eating more Kale, my dude.
[00:58] <pate> hoo wat?
[00:59] <ART_WOTR> I really do think it is a one night thing, Nancy... Just people blowing off steam.
[00:59] <Zenman> Nancy it's mostly just regulars googing around giddily
[00:59] <trostol> nope
[00:59] <SciFiAuthor> I got chills
[00:59] <Khameleon> actually
[00:59] <NightsAtSea> Yes!
[00:59] <Khameleon> the breathing shit is kinda annoying
[00:59] <TheBlackArtBell> I will be here EVERY NIGHT, Nancy. The Black Art Bell is HERE TO STAY.
[00:59] <pate> John Batchelor, on his podcast website a few hours ago
[00:59] <Zenman> he sounded better than ever
[00:59] <TheBlackArtBell> Scoobada bee bop shooobadadooo!
[00:59] <Khameleon> tryin to be nice about it but goddamn imma just listen to music
[00:59] <Khameleon> lol
[00:59] <pate> hoo Zenman John or Art?
[00:59] <stargazr> hmm one last comment. i doubt its one nite lol. art is art man. peace
[00:59] <sabu2k_> LONG LIVE BLACK ART!
[01:00] <ART_WOTR> theblackartbell I would think that Nancy will get admin privileges pretty quick...
[01:00] <Mr_Slither>  Beware of upgrading if you use an external audio interface. They're the one thing that does not seem to be supported properly,
[01:00] <trostol> no chiulls but it was a vastly better sound...better then..and i hate to sayuu it JBW who i thought had a good voice but sucked
[01:00] <Zenman> what say pate??
[01:00] <NightsAtSea> You know that thing with smells, like you might smell a fire burning and you're overcome with a memory that's strongly linked to that smell?
[01:00] <Zenman> ohh   I mean Art
[01:00] <Jackstar> wretched hive of scum and villainy
[01:00] <TheBlackArtBell> I got more Proxies and IPs than Jesus!
[01:00] <sabu2k_> yo bateman..go to's 4am.
[01:00] <pate> Batchelor or Bell sounded grate?  Branes?
[01:00] <TheBlackArtBell> Can't get rid of the Black Art Bell.
[01:00] <NightsAtSea> That's what it was like for me tonight hearing Art's voice, it totally pulled me into that mindset that I associate with his shows
[01:00] <ART_WOTR> I predict that you will be scrolling through tonights chat.  Let me know if I'm wrong and you spot this post. ;)
[01:01] <Khameleon> Musta missed that
[01:01] <Khameleon> art was on the air tonight?
[01:01] <Khameleon>  cool
[01:01] <pate> I went to the Black Art Ball, but it was too Goth for mee...
[01:01] starrmtn001 slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[01:01] <TheBlackArtBell> Me and the Black Bateman are going to start a new underwear line crafted entirely out of lion hair.
[01:01] <Zenman> ow
[01:01] <pate> Wasn't shure about the Debutantes
[01:01] <TheBlackArtBell> J P Mugglestones Lion Hair Crotch Girders.
[01:01] <TheBlackArtBell> get yourself some.
[01:01] <sabu2k_> nancy always hear things that no1 else does lol..
[01:02] <Mr_Slither> Nancy can't get control of &BellaHaven?
[01:02] <starrmtn001> Zenman  Kisses boo boo
[01:02] <trostol> i heard him tell that story before but not sure where....maybe i read it
[01:02] <Khameleon> no
[01:02] <TheBlackArtBell> I run Bellhaven Chat. Not Nancy.
[01:02] <pate> Auntie Em>?
[01:02] <TheBlackArtBell> Me and Bateman, the Black Joey Lawrence.
[01:02] <Khameleon> this is why there are so many sharks around the blood
[01:02] <Zenman> uhoh   don't start something  :)
[01:02] <sabu2k_> i'm liking black art bell…adding some flavor to this
[01:02] <TheBlackArtBell> thanks Sabu.
[01:03] <Khameleon> somthings already started
[01:03] <GeoNemesis> No Nancy, the contactee movement was during the 50s
[01:03] <TheBlackArtBell> I'm interviewing Chapo Guzman after Graham Hancock, by the way.
[01:03] <pate> Knowledge is Free
[01:03] <Zenman> I know sabu2k,   even the trolls here are good, lol
[01:03] <sabu2k_> you gonna have a dj?
[01:03] <TheBlackArtBell> Chapo Guzman's got a fine pair of Black Bateman's Tiger Fur Adult Diapers on AS WE SPEAK MY DUDE!
[01:03] <pate> Trope or Troupe?
[01:03] <Khameleon> maybe if they fix their skype or figure out how it works
[01:04] <Khameleon> more people can call in
[01:04] <TheBlackArtBell> Gotta Catch 'em All.
[01:04] <Zenman> lol pate
[01:04] <starrmtn001> I really need to go to bed or I'll miss tonights Fishbot Slap Fest lol.
[01:04] <sabu2k_> i usually troll when i'm bored…he's very good…gotta be serious but also mix in some humor
[01:04] <ART_WOTR> Kham... What do they need to do to take more calls?
[01:04] <Lou_Sheehan> I don't think there are such things either
[01:04] <pate> see above
[01:04] <Jackstar> 1st kind is visual, 2nd is physical left behind, 3rd is contact with craft occupants, 4th is invitation/abduction/experimentation, 5th is two-way communication
[01:04] Zenman slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[01:04] <Khameleon> add people to the conference
[01:04] starrmtn001 slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[01:04] <Zenman> nite starr   :)
[01:04] <Khameleon> i dont know what she isnt graspin about it
[01:04] <Jackstar> can confirm, source: I'm a star
[01:04] <TheBlackArtBell> the Black Aldous Burbank is crafting a J P Mugglestone Rhinoceros MANZIERE.
[01:04] <Lou_Sheehan> definately the orbs

[01:05] starrmtn001 slaps Jackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[01:05] <Khameleon> why take calls if you are gonna shoot them all down
[01:05] <Jackstar> physical evidence*
[01:05] <sabu2k_> i muted this to shower and forgot i had it open...
[01:05] <TheBlackArtBell> Oh shit we're talking UFOs now?
[01:05] <TheBlackArtBell> Y'all believe that shit?
[01:05] <sabu2k_> lmaooooooo
[01:05] <TheBlackArtBell> Get some JG Mugglestones Underpants on. It will fix you right up.
[01:05] <sassy_chick> falkie should come out with a brand of aduult diapers.
[01:05] <pate> I'm heading to the closet, is this enough yet?