Saturday, July 18, 2015


[00:06] <littlechris> Yeah anti-Arab jokes aren't going to get you anywhere, Falkie, especially consider Noory is Arab.
[00:06] <Khamo> there is a line to make love to kathy?
[00:06] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:06] <Khamo> that explains your extra income
[00:06] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:06] <Khamo> lol
[00:06] <falkie2013> Stop it bitch!@ @ Louis Sheehan
[00:06] <stargazr> ill take a joke lol
[00:06] <pate> F awarded .5 points for jockey
[00:06] <NXOEED> alright, well I guess I'll come back a bit later. good luck with all the being mad at each other.
[00:06] <Georgie2216_> Who here thinks Falkie is really Drone?
[00:06] <FirstBorn> Is there anything more spooky than. D E A D.   S P A C E ?
[00:06] <joe_> falkie dont unstand the law
[00:06] <Khamo> how much does she charge Falkie?
[00:06] <sassy_chick> yes, that is the real falkie
[00:06] <Khamo> prostitution is highly illegal in PA
[00:06] <Khamo> just sayin
[00:06] <starrmtn001> Khamo fishbot slaps in your behalf
[00:06] <littlechris> lol is that you Drone???
[00:06] <littlechris> i bet it is
[00:06] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:07] <Kathy> $50 for you, $500 for him
[00:07] <pate> LEADERboard: .. -- .-.  . /.  .0-
[00:07] <SciFiAuthor> Falkie, settle the debate and call in
[00:07] <Khamo> Tell Kathy I wanna throw one in her but not tryin to pay those premium prices for a subpar property
[00:07] <FirstBorn> Oh no morse
[00:07] <starrmtn001> falkie2013 That's for calling me bitch . . . ya bitch!
[00:07] <Khamo> Especially after being slapped with a fish so many times
[00:07] <falkie2013> funny a fishbot, fm starrmt001 who *claims* to be a woman.  I can smell you
[00:07] <joe_> drone sent casio money
[00:07] <Khamo> or is that her natural smell?
[00:07] <pate> K awarded 10x multiplier and free meal at Casion steakhouse
[00:07] <stargazr> highly illegal but being on the border of pa it is common practice. escorted oversized loads for three years. lot lizarads abound
[00:07] <booory>    *  slaps Falkie2103 around a bit with a slimy davebot
[00:07] <starrmtn001> LOL
[00:07] <Khamo> Kathy, is that smell you or is that from all the fish slapping?
[00:08] <Khamo> BA DUM TISS
[00:08] <sassy_chick> falkie honey, you should call in!!!
[00:08] <Khamo> Yeah falkface
[00:08] <Khamo> call in
[00:08] <pate> Apologies
[00:08] <falkie2013> starmtn001?  Feeling a little less than fresh?  Maybe a massengail moment for you?
[00:08] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:08] <FirstBorn> Just do it talkie
[00:08] <littlechris> Falkie will call in and it will be drone's voice.
[00:08] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:08] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:08] <pate> I'm feeling less than French, no appetiate for snails...
[00:09] <stargazr> i dobt feel fresh but ill grab a beer
[00:09] <starrmtn001> Heh heh heh
[00:09] <Khamo> falkie has to apply feminine products to kathy for her cause she got those little ass Trex arms
[00:09] <SciFiAuthor> Falkie, just call in, say hi, engage with the girls and ignore the chat.
[00:09] <falkie2013> Kathy is pissed with me and yelling again because I keep trying to be civil with you melon head
[00:09] <FirstBorn> Ha
[00:09] <Khamo> Just hit her falkie
[00:09] <Khamo> as usual
[00:09] <pate> Quit yelling and K will be fyne F
[00:09] Bluebell_ slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:09] <Khamo> She cant fight back with those trex arms
[00:09] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:09] <stargazr> heathens lol
[00:09] <akwilly> Falkie did you put enough money on you're go phone to call in?
[00:10] <Lou_Sheehan> are we back??
[00:10] <pate> T REX good band, Khamo +1 band ref
[00:10] <falkie2013> I'm not calling to entertain the 'zoo'
[00:10] <RoseGirl> you know how to kick someone out of the chat?
[00:10] <trostol> no music?
[00:10] <FirstBorn> Darn
[00:10] <Khamo> Falkie, do you withdraw the SSI check in singles and make it rain on Kathy once each month?
[00:10] <pate> Sounds of Silence
[00:10] <pate> hearing it fyne
[00:10] <trostol> good song
[00:10] <Georgie2216_> (Redacted) doesn't appear to be here anyimore
[00:10] <falkie2013> Yeah, go running to redacted.  she would love to hang me
[00:10] <SciFiAuthor> Falkie, you're in a corner, you have to prove that you are you by calling in, and then you can shame your opponents by ignoring them and talking to the girls. It's basic PR.
[00:10] starrmtn001 slaps falkie2013 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:10] <stargazr> dont kick me redacted. lol you got a sexy voice lol
[00:11] <falkie2013> Like a pack of dogs
[00:11] <Khamo> then leave dipshit
[00:11] <stargazr> dogs are move civil\
[00:11] <Khamo> who complains about where they are treated and remains there?  Idiots do
[00:11] <stargazr> more
[00:11] <joe> leave fat ass then
[00:11] <Khamo> exactly
[00:11] <RoseGirl> don't feed the trolls folks
[00:11] <FirstBorn> They'll be right back after this message from the mime labor union
[00:11] <pate> You are the first "Troph" in Red's WOMAN ROOM (man caves are so trodglytical [sp]}
[00:11] <Khamo> You are bringing the property value down on my pc by being in this IRC room
[00:12] <starrmtn001> It's a falkie fishbot slap down!
[00:12] <SciFiAuthor> WHITE CROW, if you're still awake, would you please explain to Falkie how to diffuse this.
[00:12] <pate> I thanks the lawd for my "honorary GIRL CARD" somethymes...
[00:12] <stargazr> lol old school it is lol
[00:12] <Lou_Sheehan> are you broadcasting?
[00:12] <Khamo> Wait till i get these photoshopped picturs of kathy up on imgur
[00:12] <Khamo> they are sexy
[00:12] <FirstBorn> Broadcasting will resume in a jiffy
[00:13] <pate> I get nothiee, Dave type...  Obviously my fault....
[00:13] <trostol> wow that was too much vodka lol
[00:13] <starrmtn001> Richard did't jump ship, he was pushed!
[00:13] <pate> Noe hurunk?  Wuss that harrumph?
[00:13] <gauss> is there no show tonite?
[00:13] <stargazr> mmmm hmmm french fried potaters
[00:13] <pate> CAN I GET A HARRUMPH?
[00:13] <trostol> hmph
[00:13] <Guest26745> we're calling in the posse
[00:13] <sassy_chick> how long is the break?
[00:13] <SciFiAuthor> Gauss, it starts in a few minutes
[00:13] <RoseGirl> there is a show...we will be live momentarily
[00:13] <Khamo> mashed potatos?
[00:13] <RoseGirl> hang on folks
[00:13] <gauss> oh ok
[00:13] <Georgie2216_> gauss, theyk've done two hours and are taking a 15 minute break
[00:13] <Khamo> more like mashed enchantment
[00:14] <gauss> i see
[00:14] <stargazr> mmmm hmm french fried
[00:14] <trostol> temp is starting to creep up now..ick
[00:14] <pate> pate +/- 0 for Blazing Saddles ref
[00:14] <stargazr> mnnn hmmm
[00:14] <Khamo> so can we call in
[00:14] <pate> Dew!
[00:14] <starrmtn001> Falkie left.  Now what am I gonna do with all of these fishbots?  LOL
[00:14] <stargazr> i called brother stair once
[00:14] <stargazr> i was drunk lol
[00:14] <RoseGirl> in once you go back on air
[00:14] <Khamo> HIT ME STAR
[00:14] <Khamo> im ready
[00:14] <FirstBorn> Due to paranormal difficulties.... Stream will be back soon
[00:14] <starrmtn001> Ok
[00:14] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:14] <trostol> i have music...butr i think i have C2C on lol
[00:14] <Khamo> OOOH YEAH
[00:14] <stargazr> he was very nice about it all
[00:15] <pate> On the elevator, no thirteenth floor, going up, going up...
[00:15] <starrmtn001> Again?
[00:15] <Khamo> YES PLS
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] <Khamo> OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH yeeeaaaah
[00:15] <Khamo> that sting is real
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] <pate> Mmm Joy the music
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] joe slaps Kham around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] joe slaps Kham around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] <stargazr> oooooooooooooo what?
[00:15] joe slaps Kham around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] joe slaps Kham around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] joe slaps Kham around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] <pate> FALL IN!
[00:15] <Khamo> I SMELL LIKE CAPE COD
[00:15] <Khamo> MORE
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] <RoseGirl> think we will have bateman in a few minutes
[00:15] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] <Lou_Sheehan> I hit refresh and the music came back
[00:15] <Khamo> awww
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] starrmtn001 slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:15] <Khamo> BATEMAN ALWAYS BEATS ME :(
[00:16] <trostol> should play Science Fiction Double Feature lol
[00:16] <starrmtn001> Enough now?
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] <Khamo> one more for the road
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] <starrmtn001> Ok, my turn
[00:16] <Khamo> or 3
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] <Khamo> :P
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] <pate> Khamo 1SGT, are all present and accounted for?
[00:16] joe slaps Khamo around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] <stargazr> just whe n i thought i was out. they pulled me back in
[00:16] joe slaps littlechris around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:16] == Khamo has changed nick to Khameleon808
[00:16] <trostol> sweet transvestite for GN?
[00:16] <starrmtn001> Khamo my turn
[00:16] <gauss> i went from michael savage to this as the main show i listen to lol
[00:16] <RoseGirl> lol
[00:16] <Khameleon808> the guards get fish
[00:17] <RoseGirl> you guys are so funny
[00:17] <pate> diggeree doo?  Hmm, perhaps we should do this again 1st>?
[00:17] <RoseGirl> lol
[00:17] <FirstBorn> We interrupt this broadcast to announce that streaming will be back soon
[00:17] <stargazr>  dont talk about prison i may be there soon
[00:17] <Khameleon808> lol
[00:17] <starrmtn001> My turn man!
[00:17] <SciFiAuthor> Jesus. *fires up the dubious*
[00:17] <Khameleon808> she got hawking to do some promo work
[00:17] <stargazr> no shit
[00:17] starrmtn001 slaps Khameleon808 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:17] <pate> PARADE REST
[00:17] <Lou_Sheehan> any audio??
[00:17] starrmtn001 slaps joe around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:17] <VoteQuimby> my stream keeps going down
[00:17] <VoteQuimby> now its up
[00:17] <pate> 1SGT take that man's name
[00:17] <stargazr> i will smile and take my take till they round me up. fuck the family court system
[00:17] <SweetKathy> Sweet Kathy is HERE!
[00:18] <RoseGirl> restart the stream
[00:18] <RoseGirl> we are on
[00:18] starrmtn001 slaps SweetKathy around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:18] <trostol> lol
[00:18] WABCWOTR slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:18] <SciFiAuthor> restart the stream folks
[00:18] <paladin1991> Is it me or is it the stream?
[00:18] <pate> HEAR, SUH.  Rose sez restart, jackwagons
[00:18] <VoteQuimby> RESTART THE STEAM
[00:18] starrmtn001 slaps WABCWOTR around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:18] <Lou_Sheehan> Gotcha.  Your theme then restatrt.
[00:18] <FirstBorn> Sounds like fallout
[00:18] VoteQuimby slaps Guest26745 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:18] <pate> seekruts, nance
[00:19] <trostol> i was gonna play fallout 3 too
[00:19] Lou_Sheehan slaps Guest26745 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:19] <WABCWOTR> Rosegirl... You are now promoting it!
[00:19] <paladin1991> I keep getting ART with Long John
[00:19] Popple slaps Guest26745 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:19] Zenman slaps Guest26745 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:19] <pate> da Rose knoes
[00:19] Georgie2216_ slaps BellaHaven around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:19] VoteQuimby slaps RoseGirl around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:19] <FirstBorn> Fallout 4 hell yeah
[00:19] starrmtn001 slaps RoseGirl around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:19] <pate> Focus, nance
[00:19] <Zenman> lol
[00:19] <sassy_chick> you can have a poll
[00:19] <trostol> cant wait..FO 4 looks insane
[00:19] starrmtn001 slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:19] <pate> 'pologies
[00:19] <Zenman> I saw that!
[00:19] <Falkie3069> Falkie3069 IS HERE! LARGE AND IN CHARGE MOFOZ
[00:19] <stargazr> guess i wasnt in the circle. hope they have a good jerk
[00:19] <Zenman> yes indeed
[00:20] <SweetKathy> I love you Falkie3069!!!
[00:20] <booory>         * Slaps Falkie2013 around a bit because he's a large davebot
[00:20] <pate> Mur ah, turm, eric?
[00:20] <starrmtn001> WABCWOTR Where's the davebot???
[00:20] <paladin1991> How many times am I gonna have to listen to Angel Baby?  Jeez ladies, how long does it take to take a leak and get a cup of coffee?
[00:20] <Falkie3069> I love you too, girl. How's your fine sexy self this evening?
[00:20] <WABCWOTR> It should read slaps with a Davebot...
[00:20] starrmtn001 slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:20] <SweetKathy> Fine and sexxy!
[00:20] <booory> its back on
[00:20] <pate> Thyme Enuf Fo Luv, pal
[00:20] <paladin1991> Oh wait, I'm married.  It takes as long as it takes.
[00:20] <trostol> HERE COMES  THE BOOM
[00:20] starrmtn001 slaps Falkie3069 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:20] <paladin1991> Star hits me with a fishbot?  Wait, I think you found my G spot
[00:20] starrmtn001 slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:21] <Karios8> Great show, ladies! However, I must attempt sleep
[00:21] <stargazr> took me like a min and a half palidin lol scuse spelling
[00:21] <paladin1991> Yep, you found my G spot
[00:21] <FirstBorn> Using an iPad for chatting is the cat's meow
[00:21] <WABCWOTR> *WABCWOTR slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large DAVEBOT
[00:21] <Karios8> Don't hunt me down
[00:21] <paladin1991> Thanks
[00:21] <starrmtn001> paladin1991 Fishbot brawl LOL!
[00:21] <pate> DOH!
[00:21] paladin1991 slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:21] SweetKathy slaps deadmeow around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:21] paladin1991 slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:21] <pate> seekrut fiends?
[00:21] paladin1991 slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:21] <paladin1991> Say you like it!
[00:21] Khameleon808 does a quick dab before gettin hit with a fish again
[00:21] <starrmtn001> WABCWOTR  Davebot LMAO!!!
[00:21] Guest26745 slaps Lou_Sheehan around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:21] starrmtn001 slaps Khameleon808 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:21] <FirstBorn> Happy ending
[00:21] <Guest26745> hee
[00:21] <pate> clutch the pearls
[00:21] <paladin1991> Say it starr, say you like it!
[00:22] paladin1991 slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:22] paladin1991 slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:22] paladin1991 slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:22] <starrmtn001> I love it!!!
[00:22] <Lou_Sheehan> OUCH!!
[00:22] <trostol> NUMBER 5 IS ALIVE!!!!!
[00:22] <booory>       *slaps LittleChris around a little bit with a large Falkiebot
[00:22] starrmtn001 slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:22] <stargazr> too many stars
[00:22] starrmtn001 slaps booory around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:22] <stargazr> getting blurry
[00:22] <paladin1991> Ouch!  YOu're hurting Starr
[00:22] starrmtn001 slaps stargazr around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:22] <stargazr> lol
[00:22] <pate> Like a kid playing fleshlight ?
[00:22] <Khameleon808> NEED INPUT
[00:22] <FirstBorn> It's full of stars
[00:22] starrmtn001 slaps pate around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:22] <trostol> lol
[00:22] <Zenman> lol the hosts are slapping us with fishbots
[00:22] starrmtn001 slaps trostol around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:23] <paladin1991> Oh crap, Starr, I forgot the SAFE WORD!
[00:23] <stargazr> who the fuck would give a kid a fleshlight
[00:23] <trostol> booo
[00:23] <WABCWOTR> Zenman do you blame them?
[00:23] <starrmtn001> paladin1991 What safe word???
[00:23] <pate> Tewlamore Dew Funnee
[00:23] <pate> sorry pal...
[00:24] <Zenman> I blame them not lol
[00:24] <WABCWOTR> DO you really want to capture it tonight, Nancy?
[00:24] <Zenman> lol rose
[00:24] <stargazr> ya all made me smile i thank ya
[00:24] <guestee> Yeah, save this one for the books
[00:24] <paladin1991> Safe word.  It's to ease up!  You know, to ease up on the foreplay
[00:24] starrmtn001 slaps stargazr around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:24] paladin1991 slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:24] <pate> Richard Ease is a registered TaintCo product?
[00:24] <Zenman> mr slither
[00:24] <trostol> not me..i still dont know how to send a pm to someone in here lol
[00:25] <starrmtn001> paladin1991 ok I'll  . . . HEY!
[00:25] <booory> it was falkie!!
[00:25] <paladin1991> Sure, 'If you ain't got Richard Ease, you ain't got Dick!'
[00:25] <pate> Swanging Richard Eeese?
[00:25] starrmtn001 slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:25] <trostol> WATER IS WARM
[00:25] <pate> Streams Crossed!
[00:25] <trostol> POOF!!!!!!
[00:25] <Georgie2216_> that was interestig
[00:25] <Zenman> bate!
[00:25] <Zenman> uhoh
[00:25] <Khameleon808> who is host
[00:25] <VoteQuimby> CALL IN - 215 - 488 - 7374
[00:25] <paladin1991> Hey, White Crow is here
[00:26] <pate> WEASE him in
[00:26] <stargazr> i dont know how to do a damn thing i just came in after i listened to art. the gabcast gives me some chuckles here and there
[00:26] <WABCWOTR> This IS Whitecrow.
[00:26] <Zenman> he's walking around there at 3AM?
[00:26] <pate> He's hitting every payphone on the PATH?
[00:26] <Khameleon808> hmm
[00:26] <bateman> what a shitshow
[00:26] <starrmtn001> bateman Hi man!
[00:26] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:26] <stargazr> hell i dont even kno the  wwhite crow joke truely
[00:26] <RoseGirl> hi ya bateman
[00:26] <booory> am i the only one who keeps losing the stream?
[00:26] <Khameleon808> yup
[00:26] <bateman> I'm actually Falkie2013 impersonating bateman
[00:26] <pate> *PTAH
[00:27] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:27] <pate> apologies, fat fingers on smartphone
[00:27] <trostol> TECHNOLOGY...DONT YOU LOVE IT
[00:27] <Khameleon808> so can i call after this ?
[00:27] <Khameleon808> or is there a discussion going on?
[00:27] <bateman> I don't approve of bateman disapproving of my mild youtube nudity.
[00:27] <stargazr> ahh ya all pray i never call lmao
[00:27] <guestee> Entropy is going down
[00:27] <paladin1991> oh great, falkie is now bateman
[00:27] <Zenman> hey bate
[00:27] <bateman> Or I should say Kathy's mild youtube nudity.
[00:27] <pate> Methings they arrrr "fingering it oot"
[00:27] <Georgie2216_> and Drone is Falkie
[00:28] <trostol> ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??????
[00:28] <Zenman> we love it
[00:28] <pate> Weekend radio, only loosers and rat eeturz lishun, no worries, ladies
[00:28] <starrmtn001> paladin1991 let's gang-slap bateman/falkie!!!!
[00:28] <bateman> Is this show live?
[00:28] <pate> hehah
[00:28] <paladin1991> Drone is falkie?  "Is that you John Wayne?  Or is this me?"
[00:28] <WABCWOTR> I think most of us enjoy this...  
[00:28] <stargazr> the sad thing is . im here rather than listening to coast and yes tro i am slighly entertained
[00:28] <Zenman> lol
[00:28] <Lou_Sheehan> This is the 'shakeout' period
[00:28] WABCWOTR slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:28] paladin1991 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:28] paladin1991 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:28] <pate> seekruts?
[00:28] <bateman> I think littlechris is impersonating drone impersonating falkie impersonating bateman
[00:28] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:29] <Georgie2216_> His reading comprehension is too good for Falkie
[00:29] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:29] <bateman> but maybe someone is impersonating littlechris, too?
[00:29] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:29] <bateman> who could it be?
[00:29] <pate> add fife minuten to broadcast
[00:29] <trostol> CAN I PHONE A FRIEND?
[00:29] <pate> ENJOY
[00:29] paladin1991 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:29] paladin1991 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:29] <WABCWOTR> Falkie impersonating Little Chris impersonating him?
[00:29] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:29] <bateman> Steve Batmean lol
[00:29] <stargazr> comprehension is probably as good as my keyboard hopps and bong resin
[00:29] <starrmtn001> LOL
[00:29] <GeoNemesis> update skype
[00:29] <paladin1991> I can keep it up all night Bateman.  Use the SAFE WORD or you're gonna find out.   The hard way
[00:30] paladin1991 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:30] <Zenman> hey batmean
[00:30] <pate> Eye full liek an radio viginian fumblone the darrrrk
[00:30] WABCWOTR slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:30] <bateman> This is like listening to those apes on Kubrick's 2001
[00:30] starrmtn001 slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:30] <pate> ADMIN RITES?
[00:30] <Zenman> slap him
[00:30] <Khameleon808> not really feelin this
[00:30] <stargazr> u guys are like old irc shit
[00:30] <Zenman> not me
[00:30] <Khameleon808> hostile vibe
[00:30] <Khameleon808> pce
[00:30] <bateman> Not true!
[00:30] <bateman> I am bateman!
[00:30] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:30] <paladin1991> prove it\
[00:30] <Georgie2216_> then who's on the radio?
[00:30] <WABCWOTR> Hi Bateman
[00:30] <starrmtn001> Prove it!
[00:30] <WABCWOTR> *WABCWOTR slaps bateman around a bit with a large DAVEBOT
[00:31] <bateman> I am not falkie.
[00:31] <pate> I am "channeling" a scene from STV undiscovered?
[00:31] <Zenman> he says he's bateman tho
[00:31] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:31] <bateman> I interviewed Richard Hoagland on my podcast Dark City
[00:31] <pate> Kountry?
[00:31] <Khameleon808> lol noob
[00:31] <stargazr> if it smells like fish its a tasty dish it if smells like cologne leave it alone
[00:31] <bateman> people did not realize I was high on cough syrup
[00:31] <starrmtn001> bateman Is that REALLY you bateman???
[00:31] <booory> the bateman on the podcast just said he wasnt in the chat room
[00:31] <bateman> hahahaha
[00:31] <Zenman> im confusing
[00:31] <pate> heavuns too betzy!
[00:31] <stargazr> aye benedryl
[00:31] <WABCWOTR> Bateman is whitecrow?  It all makes sense now.
[00:31] <stargazr> lmao
[00:31] <Georgie2216_> the bateman on the podcast is really falkie2013
[00:31] <trostol> HAH HA HA
[00:31] <stargazr> i took 75 once
[00:31] <Zenman> that's not the real pate is it
[00:32] <paladin1991> I can't hear shit.  I must be going deaf.  Again.  Or still
[00:32] <GeoNemesis> how long is 'since 1:00'??
[00:32] <bateman> I think Zenman is Redacted
[00:32] <booory> wow the audio quality really went down on your mic bateman when you called back...
[00:32] <Georgie2216_> restart the stream
[00:32] <WABCWOTR> The ultimate Whitecrow / Bateman troll.
[00:32] <GeoNemesis> it's 2:32 am here noiw
[00:32] <booory> im actually art bell
[00:32] <bateman> this is so mussed up
[00:32] <Zenman> I wish
[00:32] <pate> You have answers Zenman?  We have questions....
[00:32] starrmtn001 slaps WhiteCrow_ around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:32] <RoseGirl> restart your streams if you hear nothing
[00:32] <Khameleon808> sure you are
[00:32] <SciFiAuthor> restart the stream
[00:32] <paladin1991> Yeah?  No shit, Georgie?  what do you think I have been doing?
[00:32] <stargazr> little clear spiders got lost six times on the way to work lol. still did the shift
[00:32] <bateman> It's really cowardly of bateman to claim he's not me.
[00:32] <bateman> I can't believe that shit.
[00:32] <starrmtn001> WhiteCrow_  Wake up man!
[00:32] <pate> half ass bladerunner ref
[00:32] <Khameleon808> art has never spoke a word to me so i know its not you
[00:32] starrmtn001 slaps WhiteCrow_ around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:32] <Khameleon808> Fail
[00:33] <paladin1991> I keep hearing Angel Baby
[00:33] <booory> nice talking and typing at the same time bateman
[00:33] <bateman> What sort of prude claims he's not himself when he's obviously himself?
[00:33] <trostol> macho man!!!!!
[00:33] <Khameleon808> Should to got +v only in here
[00:33] <bateman> This fake bateman on the podcast is probably littlechris.
[00:33] <pate> seekruts?
[00:33] <trostol> BUH BYE
[00:33] <Khameleon808> so only registered users can participate
[00:33] <Khameleon808> no more imposters :P
[00:33] <paladin1991> Okay, I'm punching out
[00:33] <WABCWOTR> Did Bellaheaven attract every troll on Bellgab in one evening?
[00:33] <Khameleon808>  think so
[00:33] <pate> perception is reality
[00:34] <stargazr> reality is an illusion
[00:34] <Khameleon808> +v mode the room :)
[00:34] == WABCWOTR has changed nick to ART_WOTR
[00:34] <paladin1991> *Poof*  I'm back
[00:34] starrmtn001 slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:34] <bateman> I'm wearing JP MUgglestones underpants right naw
[00:34] <stargazr> they gave me a blue pill it was a suppository
[00:34] <bateman> and that's IT!
[00:34] <trostol> i thought Larry King
[00:34] <Khameleon808> THIS IS ART CROW
[00:34] starrmtn001 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:34] <bateman> drinking my bourbon
[00:34] == Khameleon808 has changed nick to ArtCrow
[00:34] <ART_WOTR> Khameleon808 This IS ART_WOTR
[00:34] starrmtn001 slaps ArtCrow around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:34] <pate> Rush is awesome, N joy thier Trouble in the Forest song (sp)
[00:34] <stargazr> screecch rum dont drink it
[00:35] <ArtCrow> lol
[00:35] <bateman> we need a batecrow
[00:35] <paladin1991> Nope.  No Dope.  No stream.
[00:35] <Georgie2216_> be quiet I'm trying to listen
[00:35] ART_WOTR slaps ArtCrow around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:35] <starrmtn001> bateman  No, crowbait lol!
[00:35] <stargazr> pete welsch former white house dude introduced me to it
[00:35] <pate> Stop signing, I'm trying to hear!
[00:35] <Zenman> <Georgie2216_>   yes
[00:35] <stargazr> taste like paint thinner
[00:35] paladin1991 slaps BellaHaven around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:35] <bateman> littlekathy
[00:36] <stargazr> dum b sob married my cuz
[00:36] <bateman> How come all these goddamn new yorkers sound like Joe Pesci?
[00:36] <bateman> It makes me SICK
[00:36] <WhiteBell> huh?
[00:36] <pate> I want to congratulate Nance and Rose on being the first podcasters to employ a hearing impaired interpreter...
[00:36] <AlanPartridge> Aha!
[00:36] <VoteQuimby> MV just pm'ed everyone the link for the interview
[00:36] <paladin1991> GeoNemesis  is GN
[00:36] <Zenman> thanks wotr
[00:36] <pate> Too Soon?  'pologies
[00:36] CrowBait slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:36] CrowBait slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:37] <trostol> AART FOLLOWED JOHN
[00:37] <stargazr> i get the emails here and there. these chicks gonna go live again or?
[00:37] <Zenman> aha!
[00:37] CrowBait slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:37] paladin1991 slaps ArtCrow around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:37] paladin1991 slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:37] <Zenman> good ear Nance, that you caught that
[00:37] paladin1991 slaps wr250-away around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:37] == ArtCrow has changed nick to BellBait
[00:37] paladin1991 slaps AlanPartridge around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:37] paladin1991 slaps bateman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] paladin1991 slaps BellBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] CrowBait slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] <stargazr> you know how you bake a carp?
[00:38] <Zenman> I saw that crowbait
[00:38] paladin1991 slaps BellBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] <WhiteBell> all the fishbots
[00:38] CrowBait slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] <stargazr> butter that board
[00:38] <bateman> where is littleart ?
[00:38] <CrowBait> Heh heh heh
[00:38] paladin1991 slaps Falkiesfan around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] paladin1991 slaps Falkiesfan around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] <WhiteBell> bateman deservers all the fishbots
[00:38] paladin1991 slaps Falkiesfan around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] <Falkiesfan> Talk Falkie
[00:38] CrowBait slaps Falkiesfan around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] <ART_WOTR> Is there any chance that WABC will feature Knapp in the near future?
[00:38] paladin1991 slaps RoseGirl around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] <bateman> Falkiesfan, you are the whore!
[00:38] <Falkiesfan> Falkie Falkie Falkie falkie
[00:38] <trostol> ITS ME!!!!!
[00:38] <stargazr> cook that sob at 450 for three houra
[00:38] CrowBait slaps RoseGirl around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:38] ART_WOTR slaps Falkiesfan around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] <pate> Mystique does not wear a slip, she shows slides...
[00:39] <bateman> Falkiesfan is LittleChris
[00:39] Georgie2216_ slaps BellaHaven around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] Georgie2216_ slaps wr250-away around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] Georgie2216_ slaps AlanPartridge around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] <stargazr> throw awway the carp and eat the board
[00:39] Georgie2216_ slaps ART_WOTR around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] CrowBait slaps trostol around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] <ArtBell> Hi folks.
[00:39] <Georgie2216_> Hi Art
[00:39] CrowBait slaps ArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] <trostol> ello
[00:39] <stargazr> haha art?
[00:39] <Georgie2216_> I almost slapped you
[00:39] <paladin1991> Dammit  No stream.  Is it because I'm black?
[00:39] <ArtBell> You're still talking about this?
[00:39] <CrowBait> Hi Art!
[00:39] <pate> erm
[00:39] paladin1991 slaps ArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:39] <ArtBell> i love fish
[00:39] <ART_WOTR> *ART_WOTR slaps Zenman around a bit with a large DAVEBOT
[00:40] CrowBait slaps ArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:40] CrowBait slaps ART_WOTR around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:40] <pate> fresh or salty, art?
[00:40] <ArtBell> What's funny is, I'm real.
[00:40] <Gnoory> I AM POOP
[00:40] <stargazr> is there gonna be a stream or am i the caRP
[00:40] CrowBait slaps pate around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:40] == Gnoory has changed nick to Guest14992
[00:40] <Guest14992> POOP
[00:40] CrowBait slaps Popple around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:40] <ArtBell> i agree with gnoory
[00:40] <Guest14992> ArtBell, my arch nemesis!
[00:40] <Zenman> I saw that art_wotr   where'd you get the davebot??
[00:40] <GeoNemesis> I'm not fake!
[00:40] <CrowBait> Popple Hi man
[00:40] <ArtBell> for the first time
[00:40] <paladin1991> ART, that's not funny
[00:40] <ART_WOTR> *ART_WOTR slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large FUNYON
[00:40] <Nooryisawesome> What the hell is going in
[00:40] <pate> Gnoory + one billion
[00:40] <SciFiAuthor> nothing but an attack by trolls tonight
[00:41] <CrowBait> ART_WOTR LMAO!!!!!!
[00:41] <ART_WOTR> Zenman just typed out the whole sentence by hand and changed the last word...
[00:41] <SciFiAuthor> Sort of a sad attack, if this is fun for you, try getting laid. It's way more fun.
[00:41] <pate> such fun eh, scifi?
[00:41] <ArtBell> He just said he was POOP. I agree with that part
[00:41] <Zenman> sounds like work!
[00:41] <BellBait> Attack?
[00:41] <ART_WOTR> SciFiAuthor if you can't beat them, join them.
[00:41] <Guest15547> God damnit
[00:41] <BellBait> Do you feel Attacked?
[00:41] <paladin1991> Huh, trolls.  On BellaHaven.  On the night that ART has his interview.......
[00:41] <Guest15547> I can't make fake names anymore.
[00:41] <pate> Haha, art minus too
[00:41] <Popple> lol hai crowbait. how are yewwww?
[00:41] <Nooryisawesome> The fake name thing is lame
[00:41] <stargazr> one of my old friends laughs everytime i say.....WORD
[00:41] CrowBait slaps Jackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:42] CrowBait slaps Nooryisawesome around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:42] <trostol> ha ha hahah
[00:42] <SciFiAuthor> Well, I mean, I can think of 20 things that are more fun that bullshit trolling a chat room
[00:42] CrowBait slaps trostol around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:42] <ART_WOTR> Didn't know that Dave was kicked off.  Makes it all the sweeter!!!
[00:42] <pate> large frozen pants trout is prize, keep it up keeds
[00:42] == BellBait has changed nick to kham808
[00:42] <ArtBell> Don't worry, the other guy will get what he deserves in time.
[00:42] <kham808> well what would one of those things be?
[00:42] <Nooryisawesome> Dave say anything about art on coast?
[00:42] <Zenman>  <SciFiAuthor>  no attack, just a bunch of giddy regulars who've changed their handles, lol
[00:42] <Guest15547> I wonder why I wasn't banned. Weird.
[00:42] <SciFiAuthor> Jacking off, smoking a doob, watching Netflix ... just find something to do because this trolling shit is bullshit
[00:42] mrspock slaps ArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:42] <ART_WOTR> Did anybody catch some of the Dave show tonight?
[00:43] <paladin1991> I'm several shots of Scotch into my bottle and I can't hear a thing.  I'm deaf tonight folks.
[00:43] <kham808> Wow, take it more seriously why dont you
[00:43] <pate> sumteen's groanin' on guest15547...
[00:43] <Guest15547> We all know the real SciFi author has no dick, so SciFi is apparently an imposter.
[00:43] <kham808> maybe im doing all those things at once too
[00:43] <mrspock> who cares about dave? he sucks
[00:43] <ArtBell> Ok, to prove this is really me, i will give a hint on the Air Sunday night.
[00:43] <VoteQuimby> I caught the opening minutes of Coast, Dave sounds like he's on painkillers
[00:43] <SciFiAuthor> Yes, I am an imposter Sci fi.
[00:43] <pate> hoos dave?
[00:43] <Guest15547> ArtBell, I believe you.
[00:43] <stargazr> man i wouldnt troll this shit. i thought i t wwould be fun.. aye
[00:43] CrowBait slaps ArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:43] <kham808> irc butthurt is real
[00:43] <sassy_chick> I think its the real art bell.
[00:43] <mrspock> art your the man
[00:44] mrspock slaps WhiteCrow_ around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:44] <ArtBell> ok...I'll say the word "fishbot" at least once during the broadcast...
[00:44] <ART_WOTR> SciFi  I just consider that it is everybody unwinding tonight from the excitement of Art.  Probably just a one night thing...
[00:44] <pate> Cereal?  Glutes esp Maxima
[00:44] <Georgie2216_> I have no idea, but great interview tonight Art
[00:44] CrowBait slaps ArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:44] <kham808> Sellin wolf tickets in addition to ccrane radios
[00:44] <Nooryisawesome> If it is art he should call into Bella
[00:44] <Zenman> could be sassy, probably not tho
[00:44] mrspock slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:44] <kham808> Whats the number to call in
[00:44] <Zenman> lol nance
[00:44] <ArtBell> It was good to finally get tomspeak again!
[00:44] == kham808 has changed nick to Khameleon
[00:44] CrowBait slaps mrspock around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:44] <mrspock> hello bateman
[00:45] <ART_WOTR> 215-488-7374
[00:45] <pate> PODGE THE GRID
[00:45] <Jackstar> it wouldn't be the first time Art was here. looks like him. roswells art
[00:45] <Khameleon> ok thank you wotr
[00:45] mrspock slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:45] <Guest15547> I can't believe ArtBell said George Noory was poop.
[00:45] ART_WOTR slaps Khameleon around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:45] <trostol> SOLAR FLARE? PROTECT THE GRID!!!!!!
[00:45] <paladin1991> Hey, ART.  Give a shout out to the 3RD ANGLICO Marines  'Lightiening From The Sky, Thunder From The Sea'
[00:45] <Nooryisawesome> 215 488-7374 Call in
[00:45] <Nooryisawesome> 215 488-7374 Call in number
[00:45] mrspock slaps WhiteCrow_ around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:45] <trostol> whew this liast drink kicked my ass lol
[00:45] CrowBait slaps WhiteCrow_ around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:45] <ArtBell> ok guys..see you Sunday night!
[00:45] <ArtBell> bye
[00:45] <sassy_chick> yes its the REAL art bell
[00:45] <stargazr> im actually facing a possible sentence for malicious assualt. unfounded but real if the stream doesnt resuem i will go back to my shithole. probably the most honest motherfucker you all will ever meet
[00:45] <trostol> bye
[00:46] <Nooryisawesome> 215 488-7374 Cal inn
[00:46] <pate> nigt art
[00:46] <CrowBait> Good night Art
[00:46] <Georgie2216_> goodnight Art
[00:46] <sassy_chick> by Art!!!
[00:46] <ART_WOTR> Bye Bart_Ell
[00:46] <Jackstar> lol omfg
[00:46] <ArtBell> lol im not really art bell
[00:46] <sassy_chick> ANSWER IT NANCY!!!
[00:46] <trostol> WATER IS WARM!!!!!
[00:46] <Khameleon> lol
[00:46] <Khameleon> dude
[00:46] <pate> He also had a Veterans project, artbell
[00:46] <Jackstar> classic
[00:46] <Nooryisawesome> I don't think it was art. Art would call in
[00:46] <Zenman> night Art
[00:46] <ArtBell> isnt this fun
[00:46] <TheBlackArtBell> Everyone knows the REAL ART BELL IS BLACK!
[00:46] <stargazr> i would kno art
[00:46] <pate> lawd
[00:46] <Khameleon> lol
[00:46] <ArtBell> ok im really going though bye
[00:46] Jackstar facepalm
[00:46] <SciFiAuthor> God, fake fake Art, quit being an attention whore
[00:46] <stargazr> fuck the keyboard
[00:46] <Khameleon> do you guys have an actual skype account to call
[00:46] <TheBlackArtBell> Art Bell, you imposter. Get out of here!
[00:46] <Georgie2216_> bye not really Art
[00:46] <sassy_chick> theblackartbell !!! hahaha!!
[00:46] <CrowBait> BC Hi man!  (is that you?).
[00:46] <Khameleon> not callin through the phone number
[00:47] mrspock slaps mrspock around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] <Nooryisawesome> 215 488-7374 Call in
[00:47] <TheBlackArtBell> I'm kicking ass and taking names! Black Art Bell forever!
[00:47] <SciFiAuthor> We should call this night of the attention whore.
[00:47] <Khameleon> nah they dont know how skype works
[00:47] <TheBlackArtBell> Later I'm going to drinking with the BLACK BATEMAN!
[00:47] <paladin1991> No!  I can't hear the stream becuse I am black
[00:47] <pate> I've got two phone lines and a microphone...
[00:47] CrowBait slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] <Khameleon> scifi, its amazing that you are waiting it out
[00:47] paladin1991 slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] <Khameleon> real trooper
[00:47] == Jackstar has changed nick to Blackstar
[00:47] paladin1991 slaps paladin1991 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] <sassy_chick> nancy, this chat is the GEATEST!!!  DONT CHANGE A THING!!
[00:47] <Blackstar> rawr!
[00:47] mrspock slaps Blackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] CrowBait slaps Blackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] <SciFiAuthor> Kham, I'm stoned, I can do great things when I'm this way
[00:47] ART_WOTR slaps Blackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] <stargazr> u kick ass all u want i still got my bubblebum
[00:47] <Blackstar> go on, ban me, now I'm immortal
[00:47] <trostol> politics!!!!!
[00:47] <pate> Hear me RHOAR!
[00:47] mrspock slaps Blackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:47] <TheBlackArtBell> Blackstar, you sadist!
[00:48] CrowBait slaps SciFiAuthor around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:48] <pate> Play the tape, nance
[00:48] <Khameleon> well you are obv bothered so maybe smoke better shit
[00:48] Blackstar organizes the community
[00:48] <TheBlackArtBell> I once saw the Black George Noory devouring walrus shit!
[00:48] CrowBait slaps TheBlackArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:48] <TheBlackArtBell> It was on the hood of a blue Datsun.
[00:48] <GeoNemesis> I'm recording it too... (havent listened to it yet though)
[00:48] <pate> I prufur Pepto, liek the PANK!
[00:48] <trostol> ha ha ha ha ha
[00:48] <ART_WOTR> votequimby Thanks
[00:48] <stargazr> rattled and stupid? lmao did you see me in court?
[00:48] == Blackstar has changed nick to Jackstar
[00:48] <ART_WOTR> I cannot listen.
[00:48] <Khameleon> so they cannot accept more than one call
[00:48] <Khameleon> lmao
[00:48] CrowBait slaps Jackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:49] <Jackstar> okay that was fun but I don't want anyone to think I'm catholic or something.
[00:49] CrowBait slaps Jackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:49] <pate> Mixes well with Vodka, whick is usually sumtheen
[00:49] <TheBlackArtBell> The Black Bateman wouldn't puss out of the Black Nancy Birnes Black Bella Heaven!
[00:49] <trostol> same VQ
[00:49] <Mr_Slither> Hi Nanct, no I haven't tried to call in today
[00:49] <Zenman> really good point nance
[00:49] <Khameleon> nope i am tryin to call
[00:49] <Khameleon> but no one seems to know how skype works over there
[00:49] <pate> NO COINSHUNDUNCES!
[00:49] <Zenman> Maybe we really didn't go to the moon
[00:49] <Khameleon> caus the host can add anyone to any conference
[00:49] <TheBlackArtBell> Black White Crow is a pussy
[00:49] <Khameleon> so id need the actual skype account to call
[00:49] <Khameleon> not the number
[00:50] <stargazr> ok god bless you all but was plenty of time to pee and get high. no strea<
[00:50] mrspock slaps TheBlackArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] <CrowBait> What fight?  We're just playin' Fishbot Tag!
[00:50] CrowBait slaps mrspock around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] <TheBlackArtBell> the Black Falkie has more HOES than Jesus!
[00:50] <pate> curses were traded...
[00:50] mrspock slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] mrspock slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] CrowBait slaps Ms_C around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] <Khameleon> Il just keep hittin it till it works
[00:50] CrowBait slaps Ms_C around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] CrowBait slaps Ms_C around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] CrowBait slaps Khameleon around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] <stargazr> jesus protected the wwhores man
[00:50] <Khameleon> :)
[00:50] <Mr_Slither> Khameleon, don't worry, Nanct wouldn't take my call yesterday on the basis of my name!
[00:50] <pate> KHAAAAN!
[00:50] mrspock slaps Guest26745 around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:50] <stargazr> he wanted to get stoned too
[00:51] CrowBait slaps BC around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:51] <paladin1991> alright  I'm done here.  I can't pick up the stream.  I've got work in the moring.
[00:51] mrspock slaps Georgie2216_ around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:51] <Khameleon> Well i honestly dont think they know wtf they are doing with skype
[00:51] mrspock slaps Khameleon around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:51] <CrowBait> Goodnight paladin1991
[00:51] <ART_WOTR> Good night paladin
[00:51] mrspock slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:51] <paladin1991> Goodnight everyone.  B safe
[00:51] <stargazr> god bless ya paladin. good comic book hero
[00:51] <TheBlackArtBell> why so silent this evening, Black Brig?
[00:51] <Mr_Slither> Khameleon, that's true as well
[00:51] <Zenman> definitely   trostol
[00:51] <pate> pal, careful, keep the powder dry and the action tight
[00:51] <stargazr> see ya on the flip flop
[00:51] CrowBait slaps stargazr around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:52] <Zenman> night pal
[00:52] mrspock slaps CrowBait around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:52] CrowBait slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:52] <stargazr>  dont get the lingo but thats ok
[00:52] <pate> Paladin1991, do a pull up for Chesty
[00:52] <TheBlackArtBell> Someone needs to tell Bateman he needs new advertisers. J C Mucklestones underpants kills the mood every time.
[00:52] <ART_WOTR> stargazr would that be a fish flip flopping?
[00:52] <TheBlackArtBell> I'm trying to dig on some paranormal espionage and then I get told I need to buy some expensive underwar.
[00:52] <Zenman> I forgot who Crowbait is   but I head that
[00:52] <CrowBait> LOL
[00:52] <Khameleon> dude
[00:52] <stargazr> nah man its a road term
[00:52] <stargazr> cb shit
[00:52] <Khameleon> CALLS
[00:52] <Khameleon> TAKE THEM
[00:52] <SciFiAuthor> hooked me, I demanded that Bateman convince them to make a set of underwear out of pot and I'm there.
[00:53] <pate> steve is on the hook, right naow
[00:53] <ART_WOTR> I know.  Thanks to the convoy song...
[00:53] <TheBlackArtBell> Trostol, I bought some JC Mugglestones and they didn't fit right, because I'm black.
[00:53] <Georgie2216_> popple is femal?
[00:53] <Georgie2216_> *female?
[00:53] <trostol> hja!!!!!!
[00:53] <Mr_Slither> Spook! That's weird. I hate weirdos, Slither...
[00:53] <mrspock> *im cool
[00:53] <pate> Bona Fides?
[00:53] <ART_WOTR> And, I think that Burt Reynolds show?
[00:53] <stargazr> im dissappointed. thought they  would stream man. going thru a tough patch of life
[00:53] starrmtn001 slaps Ms_C around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:53] <TheBlackArtBell> the Black Burt Reynolds goes commando
[00:54] mrspock slaps BellaHaven around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] <Khameleon> omg
[00:54] <Khameleon> stop breathing in the mic
[00:54] mrspock slaps FirstBorn around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] starrmtn001 slaps BellaHaven around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] starrmtn001 slaps Juan_Cena around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] mrspock slaps Popple around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] mrspock slaps TheBlackArtBell around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] starrmtn001 slaps Hank around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] <pate> It's only a model...
[00:54] mrspock slaps VoteQuimby around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] starrmtn001 slaps Georgie2216_ around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] starrmtn001 slaps sassy_chick around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:54] <TheBlackArtBell> Bateman is a crook.
[00:54] <SciFiAuthor> You know who I like, I like ItsOver's posts.
[00:54] starrmtn001 slaps themudking-away around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:55] <pate> Ima kook
[00:55] <trostol> DOG PILEON THE RABBIT
[00:55] <Khameleon> ugh
[00:55] starrmtn001 slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:55] <ART_WOTR> *ART_WOTR slaps mrspock around a bit with a large Kirk
[00:55] <starrmtn001> LOL
[00:55] <stargazr> see that is exactly hat will turn people off man
[00:55] mrspock slaps ART_WOTR around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:55] <sassy_chick> OUCH!
[00:55] starrmtn001 slaps stargazr around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:55] <pate> seekruts?
[00:55] <stargazr> keyboard sucks but i know what i type
[00:55] <Zenman> I saw that starr   you fishbot slapper
[00:55] <TheBlackArtBell> Once Bateman had a job as Santa Clause, and him and his black midget elf friend tried to pull a heist.
[00:55] <stargazr> aye
[00:55] <Khameleon> how come there's an introduction thread on BG but not a 'goodbye" one
[00:55] <starrmtn001> Zenman  Heh heh heh
[00:56] <pate> cliques and claques...
[00:56] Guest slaps Mr_Slither around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:56] <pate> pranks are the moast funee
[00:56] starrmtn001 slaps SrediVashtar around a bit with a large fishbot
[00:56] <VoteQuimby> lol
[00:56] <VoteQuimby> that shit is epic
[00:56] <Guest> Was Falkie here earlier??
[00:56] <VoteQuimby> Dave being forced to listened to Art before he goes on
[00:56] <Khameleon> Nope
[00:56] <VoteQuimby> hahahahahaha
[00:56] <starrmtn001> Yes
[00:56] <mrspock> falkie sucks
[00:56] <Zenman> starr  it's gotta be an all time record fishbot slap night
[00:56] <trostol> i dont think Dave really..thought about that
[00:56] <pate> skeert of planks?  we 'ave sum broads fur yew!
[00:57] <Mr_Slither> Guest, you rude fellow
[00:57] <starrmtn001> Zenman  Yes it is!  Ye-Haaa
[00:57] <TheBlackArtBell> Bateman's next advertiser is going to be Tucks
[00:57] <stargazr> well im gonna bail. dig the gabcast. art is a classic.. still like clyde carry on folks thanks for putting up with me. may god bless you all
[00:57] <starrmtn001> Good night stargazr
[00:57] <TheBlackArtBell> see ya star, you fine booty
[00:57] <ART_WOTR> Would Dave do politics well Nancy?
[00:57] <Zenman> night stargazr
[00:57] <ART_WOTR> Night stargazr
[00:57] <stargazr> lol ty man ty
[00:57] <Khameleon> so they are not taking anymore calls ?
[00:58] <pate> call in?
[00:58] <Khameleon> had them hit "busy" like 8 times in a row
[00:58] <Khameleon> nah
[00:58] <starrmtn001> OMG  It's 2 am here!  
[00:58] <Lou_Sheehan> why not advertise on art's trial run???
[00:58] <TheBlackArtBell> BOOM ;)
[00:58] <trostol> i dont get ads on youtube any more
[00:58] <Khameleon> Bro
[00:58] <Mr_Slither> Anyone using Win 10?
[00:58] <TheBlackArtBell> Trostol, you got start eating more Kale, my dude.
[00:58] <pate> hoo wat?
[00:59] <ART_WOTR> I really do think it is a one night thing, Nancy... Just people blowing off steam.
[00:59] <Zenman> Nancy it's mostly just regulars googing around giddily
[00:59] <trostol> nope
[00:59] <SciFiAuthor> I got chills
[00:59] <Khameleon> actually
[00:59] <NightsAtSea> Yes!
[00:59] <Khameleon> the breathing shit is kinda annoying
[00:59] <TheBlackArtBell> I will be here EVERY NIGHT, Nancy. The Black Art Bell is HERE TO STAY.
[00:59] <pate> John Batchelor, on his podcast website a few hours ago
[00:59] <Zenman> he sounded better than ever
[00:59] <TheBlackArtBell> Scoobada bee bop shooobadadooo!
[00:59] <Khameleon> tryin to be nice about it but goddamn imma just listen to music
[00:59] <Khameleon> lol
[00:59] <pate> hoo Zenman John or Art?
[00:59] <stargazr> hmm one last comment. i doubt its one nite lol. art is art man. peace
[00:59] <sabu2k_> LONG LIVE BLACK ART!
[01:00] <ART_WOTR> theblackartbell I would think that Nancy will get admin privileges pretty quick...
[01:00] <Mr_Slither>  Beware of upgrading if you use an external audio interface. They're the one thing that does not seem to be supported properly,
[01:00] <trostol> no chiulls but it was a vastly better sound...better then..and i hate to sayuu it JBW who i thought had a good voice but sucked
[01:00] <Zenman> what say pate??
[01:00] <NightsAtSea> You know that thing with smells, like you might smell a fire burning and you're overcome with a memory that's strongly linked to that smell?
[01:00] <Zenman> ohh   I mean Art
[01:00] <Jackstar> wretched hive of scum and villainy
[01:00] <TheBlackArtBell> I got more Proxies and IPs than Jesus!
[01:00] <sabu2k_> yo bateman..go to's 4am.
[01:00] <pate> Batchelor or Bell sounded grate?  Branes?
[01:00] <TheBlackArtBell> Can't get rid of the Black Art Bell.
[01:00] <NightsAtSea> That's what it was like for me tonight hearing Art's voice, it totally pulled me into that mindset that I associate with his shows
[01:00] <ART_WOTR> I predict that you will be scrolling through tonights chat.  Let me know if I'm wrong and you spot this post. ;)
[01:01] <Khameleon> Musta missed that
[01:01] <Khameleon> art was on the air tonight?
[01:01] <Khameleon>  cool
[01:01] <pate> I went to the Black Art Ball, but it was too Goth for mee...
[01:01] starrmtn001 slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[01:01] <TheBlackArtBell> Me and the Black Bateman are going to start a new underwear line crafted entirely out of lion hair.
[01:01] <Zenman> ow
[01:01] <pate> Wasn't shure about the Debutantes
[01:01] <TheBlackArtBell> J P Mugglestones Lion Hair Crotch Girders.
[01:01] <TheBlackArtBell> get yourself some.
[01:01] <sabu2k_> nancy always hear things that no1 else does lol..
[01:02] <Mr_Slither> Nancy can't get control of &BellaHaven?
[01:02] <starrmtn001> Zenman  Kisses boo boo
[01:02] <trostol> i heard him tell that story before but not sure where....maybe i read it
[01:02] <Khameleon> no
[01:02] <TheBlackArtBell> I run Bellhaven Chat. Not Nancy.
[01:02] <pate> Auntie Em>?
[01:02] <TheBlackArtBell> Me and Bateman, the Black Joey Lawrence.
[01:02] <Khameleon> this is why there are so many sharks around the blood
[01:02] <Zenman> uhoh   don't start something  :)
[01:02] <sabu2k_> i'm liking black art bell…adding some flavor to this
[01:02] <TheBlackArtBell> thanks Sabu.
[01:03] <Khameleon> somthings already started
[01:03] <GeoNemesis> No Nancy, the contactee movement was during the 50s
[01:03] <TheBlackArtBell> I'm interviewing Chapo Guzman after Graham Hancock, by the way.
[01:03] <pate> Knowledge is Free
[01:03] <Zenman> I know sabu2k,   even the trolls here are good, lol
[01:03] <sabu2k_> you gonna have a dj?
[01:03] <TheBlackArtBell> Chapo Guzman's got a fine pair of Black Bateman's Tiger Fur Adult Diapers on AS WE SPEAK MY DUDE!
[01:03] <pate> Trope or Troupe?
[01:03] <Khameleon> maybe if they fix their skype or figure out how it works
[01:04] <Khameleon> more people can call in
[01:04] <TheBlackArtBell> Gotta Catch 'em All.
[01:04] <Zenman> lol pate
[01:04] <starrmtn001> I really need to go to bed or I'll miss tonights Fishbot Slap Fest lol.
[01:04] <sabu2k_> i usually troll when i'm bored…he's very good…gotta be serious but also mix in some humor
[01:04] <ART_WOTR> Kham... What do they need to do to take more calls?
[01:04] <Lou_Sheehan> I don't think there are such things either
[01:04] <pate> see above
[01:04] <Jackstar> 1st kind is visual, 2nd is physical left behind, 3rd is contact with craft occupants, 4th is invitation/abduction/experimentation, 5th is two-way communication
[01:04] Zenman slaps starrmtn001 around a bit with a large fishbot
[01:04] <Khameleon> add people to the conference
[01:04] starrmtn001 slaps Zenman around a bit with a large fishbot
[01:04] <Zenman> nite starr   :)
[01:04] <Khameleon> i dont know what she isnt graspin about it
[01:04] <Jackstar> can confirm, source: I'm a star
[01:04] <TheBlackArtBell> the Black Aldous Burbank is crafting a J P Mugglestone Rhinoceros MANZIERE.
[01:04] <Lou_Sheehan> definately the orbs

[01:05] starrmtn001 slaps Jackstar around a bit with a large fishbot
[01:05] <Khameleon> why take calls if you are gonna shoot them all down
[01:05] <Jackstar> physical evidence*
[01:05] <sabu2k_> i muted this to shower and forgot i had it open...
[01:05] <TheBlackArtBell> Oh shit we're talking UFOs now?
[01:05] <TheBlackArtBell> Y'all believe that shit?
[01:05] <sabu2k_> lmaooooooo
[01:05] <TheBlackArtBell> Get some JG Mugglestones Underpants on. It will fix you right up.
[01:05] <sassy_chick> falkie should come out with a brand of aduult diapers.
[01:05] <pate> I'm heading to the closet, is this enough yet?

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